The Duck Thread

On a side note, one of my subscribed threads disappeared. How do I find out why its gone?
Did you accidentally unsubscribe from it? If you remember its title you can find it and maybe add something to it to bring it back, I think. If not, try and PM a moderator. I think you can find moderators on the home byc page. Not sure. Amiga or Miss Lydia prolly know.
Chasing can cause serious leg problems ducks are not made to run and the heavier they are the harder it is, This maybe fun for the child but not for the duck. I'd have a serious talk about chasing before someone is injured. Sometimes they don't recover and have to be put down. I'd hate for that to happen with your ducks.
Sitting quietly and offering treats is the best way to get them to come up to us. The way to a ducks heart is through it's tummy. :)

Thanks! I will let him know it can hurt her! He usually doesn't chase her far cuz shes not real fast and all he has to do is touch her and she drops but even still i don't want her getting hurt! Shes not too awful big either for a pekin...not like the ones Ren2014 has! Quackers seems shorter! My CX is much larger than her! Quackers gets alot of exercise tho!
Did you accidentally unsubscribe from it? If you remember its title you can find it and maybe add something to it to bring it back, I think. If not, try and PM a moderator. I think you can find moderators on the home byc page. Not sure. Amiga or Miss Lydia prolly know.

It was accidentally deleted in a SPAM cleanup. But it was able to be restored :)
Me too. Mine go nuts when we go in their pen. If they free ranged, I think they'd walk to China to avoid us. Lol

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