The Duck Thread

@Julie Bird little Call duckie head poking up... :)


Awww! I've just put my first Pekin eggs in the incubator! Fingers crossed I see something like this soon! :)
On incubating Indian runners what should the temp and humidity be set at on a forced air incubator from 1-24 day and day 25-28 1/2

When I incubate my ducks eggs I do 99.5° and humidity around 40-45 depending on how air cells look. For lockdown same temp and boost humidity to 60-65. I also run forced air. Mallard, pekins, KCs...
Yes, day 20, Indian runners, they are small eggs they look like the size of chicken eggs, the pair of Indian runners my daughter in law has, these were the first time ever that she laid. They are not big like a normal duck egg. Are they suppose to be this size and if not I hope they will develop OK. I have six of them, one of the eggs are bigger than the others.

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