The Duck Thread

Thank you! Looking through it now... I guess it pays to play with your ducklings every night, lol... at least we caught it early...

So consensus is angel wing?
I think it is the start of it but I would wait another couple of days just to be sure. Since Io is so young it should only take 2-3 days of being wrapped. One of my developed angle wing around that age and I think I only wrapped her 2 days. I found it easier to wrap both wings and used vet wrap. Don't go too looser or too tight.
I think it is the start of it but I would wait another couple of days just to be sure. Since Io is so young it should only take 2-3 days of being wrapped. One of my developed angle wing around that age and I think I only wrapped her 2 days. I found it easier to wrap both wings and used vet wrap. Don't go too looser or too tight.

Thank you as well... and this is why I didn't just jump to wrapping it immediately, lol... never dealt with it so wanted to check with all of you first... :)
Yep, I do... but also had 3 Calls pipped through the night... between reading up and monitoring them, sleep takes a back seat, lol...

pip, pip, pip hoooooray!

I think it is the start of it but I would wait another couple of days just to be sure. Since Io is so young it should only take 2-3 days of being wrapped. One of my developed angle wing around that age and I think I only wrapped her 2 days. I found it easier to wrap both wings and used vet wrap. Don't go too looser or too tight.

x2! And you too!! How are yours coming along?

Third one hatched during the night. I moistened the membrane real well before going to bed and he got out on his own. I'm researching spradle leg now
He's just not getting his legs up under him like the others or moving about much. One egg is zipping and a 5th has started rocking

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@Julie Bird

Io and littles after bath time...


Crash time...


And of course the obligatory webby shot...

My babies.....

Eeeeeeeeeeeeee, a teeny weboose. I love the cute lil thing. It's a bitsy paddle. Attached to a tiny duck child.

The clump of ducklings after bath and nap time is beyond precious. How do u function being around all the cuteness of bitsy duck? Seriously. I'd never get anything done.

Thank you for the cute pictures and tag, RavynFallen:)
Aww your baby ducks are so fuzzy cute
we just got a new duck today!! they haven't talked much and they only fought once. right now they are in the pen together but the one is in a separate cage inside
Third one hatched during the night. I moistened the membrane real well before going to bed and he got out on his own. I'm researching spradle leg now
He's just not getting his legs up under him like the others or moving about much. One egg is zipping and a 5th has started rocking

@Ren2014 Have you hobbled your duckling yet? here is some info in case you haven't seen this. usually best to get this done asap. Or has it gotten it's legs under it now?

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