The Duck Thread

My ducks have grown up with my chickens. Now that the weather has turned nice I tried to move ducks to my pond. The problem is that the ducks think they are chickens. They will not stay in the pond for any amount of time, they just get out of the water and return to the chicken area. I'd really like them to live in the pond. Any suggestions on keeping them at the pond would be appreciated.


How old are they? I'd just show the water to them splash around everyday when you let them out and just give it time. If there is anything I'm positive about it's that ducks are extremely curious.
My ducks have grown up with my chickens. Now that the weather has turned nice I tried to move ducks to my pond. The problem is that the ducks think they are chickens. They will not stay in the pond for any amount of time, they just get out of the water and return to the chicken area. I'd really like them to live in the pond. Any suggestions on keeping them at the pond would be appreciated.

Having them live at the pond opens up a whole new set of problems they can easily be picked off by predators from the air, under water from snapping turtles, and from 4 legged yes most preds will swim for a duck dinner. So I'd keep them close to home especially at night. They need to be in a secure house or coop at night.
My ducks have grown up with my chickens. Now that the weather has turned nice I tried to move ducks to my pond. The problem is that the ducks think they are chickens. They will not stay in the pond for any amount of time, they just get out of the water and return to the chicken area. I'd really like them to live in the pond. Any suggestions on keeping them at the pond would be appreciated.


We had this same problem. I would herd the ducks out to one of our stock tanks and they would beat me back to the house. I finally gave up and had my husband dig a pond closer to the house. They are happy now and much safer.
My ducks have grown up with my chickens. Now that the weather has turned nice I tried to move ducks to my pond. The problem is that the ducks think they are chickens. They will not stay in the pond for any amount of time, they just get out of the water and return to the chicken area. I'd really like them to live in the pond. Any suggestions on keeping them at the pond would be appreciated.


Oh I have had this problem before and it is just an issue of time and before the summer is over your ducks will be spending more time in the water as it is their way of cooling off ..

Good luck with your ducks and just wait there still young .
Hi! I'm very new here. I have 2 female runner ducks and 1 male Pekin. I went on vacation for about a week and came home to this large nest ( more than a dozen) I plan to let them hatch...any advice? (It's my first one)

These are my Saxony cross trout indian runner ducks. They are 6 weeks old and I can't wait to see how they end up looking!!!
I am getting my first ducks in a few weeks. Actually first poultry ever, always wanted chickens but now that I have the acreage and having done a little research I figure ducks are the way to go for me! :) I am getting 10, 4 Cayuga, 4 Buff, and 2 Swedish. I just started building the house/run for them yesterday, and am hoping to also fence of the area next to it so they can "free range" somewhat in the garden and raspberry patch. I am wanting to use 1/2 inch hardware cloth but am having a hell of a time finding it here in Alberta. I live in what seems like coyote central so any suggestions on alternatives to hardware cloth? Thanks so much :)
I am getting my first ducks in a few weeks. Actually first poultry ever, always wanted chickens but now that I have the acreage and having done a little research I figure ducks are the way to go for me!
I am getting 10, 4 Cayuga, 4 Buff, and 2 Swedish. I just started building the house/run for them yesterday, and am hoping to also fence of the area next to it so they can "free range" somewhat in the garden and raspberry patch. I am wanting to use 1/2 inch hardware cloth but am having a hell of a time finding it here in Alberta. I live in what seems like coyote central so any suggestions on alternatives to hardware cloth? Thanks so much
For the safety of your birds it may actually be worth it to order the hardware cloth/fence fabric online and have it shipped to you.
We are having a bit of an issue with our lead drake, Pogo. Typical drake stuff but he is getting overly rough with my girls the last couple of days. His main interest is Little duck and today her front was full of mud and her wing feathers are all shabby. Time to move him to the garden I think for a bit and see if that helps. If he cannot behave when he goes back with the rest he may have to go live at Shane's dads for a while. If he was not my favorite drake he would be looking for a new home.

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