The Duck Thread

I'm sure this question has been answered 100 times over in this thread but I'm short on time right now & I don't want to forget to long does it take for a duck to hatch her eggs? Already had one batch go bad & now another duck is setting! Hopefully this one will give me some baby duckies! Is it normal for the females to swap up setting on one nest? I had 2 females setting on the last batch at the same time & now I think they r taking turns setting on this nest!

Mallard-derived duck eggs have an incubation period of 28 days. They can hatch a little sooner or later, but 28 days is the norm. I think muscovies take a little longer but I'm not sure. I don't know much about muscovies.
I'm so confused on what the best thing to do is. So many different tactics. Her feet and legs did feel warm but she had been swimming in warm water and then wrapped in a towel for quite some time. I dont have any antibiotics to get her and am not sure what would work best or where to get it.

I noticed one of my mallards limping a day before she went broody. She's behind the pool so there's really no way to get to her, and I wouldn't want to pull her off the eggs and break her broodiness. Just gonna have to hope it wasn't serious and wait until she's done hatching.

I can't wait to get the birds to the new house where they can be on grass most of the day. I think it would help prevent bumblefoot. But we can't start moving in until mid June, and can't put up a fence until we find a surveyor to tell us where we can put it. It could be July before we get them off the hard dirt pen and out in the grass. Sigh.

My ducks and chickens have a hard dirt floor in their coop but they go out to free range during the day on grass and water ever other surface they venture into! But mine have never had any problems at all! I should knock on wood! I do try to keep rocks and sticks up especially in the coop so they don't hurt their feet tho! They're pretty tough!
Here we go again...

I don't feel good and just do not have the energy for this today and I don't think she does either. She hasn't moved an inch since I put her in the tubten minutes ago. But it has to be done. Do it for the ducks...

I would get her an unbreakable mirror, and have her pen right next to the little ones so they can start getting used to each other. In her grief, I cannot predict how she would be with them. But they may get along fine - with ducks I don't rush putting them together.

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