The Duck Thread

Here are some more pictures of the ducklings! The one with the splayed leg is doing well, not completely normal but amazingly it is walking a little better every day!
I found out the two Mallard/Buff ducklings are sex-linked, the blue mallard being a male and the buff mallard looking one is a female! Gonna be a while till I know about the other two, the Runner/Buffs.


Well thanks everyone for your inputs, I still don't know what the cause was, which is always hard to pinpoint. The chick starter was more geared towards game birds so I thought it would be better, but my dad got it not me, so it wasnt me who made that decision. Anyway the two still alive are doing better, and Ive been watching them closely and stopped giving them the layer pellets.
Happy to hear the remaining two are doing better.

built in shorts..
Too cute!

Hi guys! I need help! I live on a lake so I often feed the ducks and I even rescued a duckling 3 years ago when the mother abandoned her nest during a hurricane. Today I was feeding the ducks in my yard and noticed one waddling towards me and the other ducks but very obviously struggling to walk. She has some type of growth on the tip of her wing, to me it looks like a tumor. It's really big compared to the size of her body and its weighing down her wing so that she has to use her foot to lift it up so that she doesn't step on her wing. Its obvious that she can't fly and it breaks my heart knowing she can't get away from my neighbors' big dogs or a car because the ducks often cross the road in my neighborhood. After seeing her for a few minutes it started to bleed. I took the best pictures that I could without scaring her into the lake. If you recognize what this is or how I can treat it please let me know! My next step is getting in contact with a vet- but even then I don't think I would be able to catch her, especially if she got into the lake. Not to mention pay a couple of hundred dollars for a surgery. If you have any advice or knowledge to share let me know, I am all ears! Thank you!

Bless his heart and YOURS also for trying to help. I'm not sure what the Vet can tell you by pictures that you probably don't already know. It's some type of growth/tumor and tests would need to be run to determine if cancerous or not. It definitely needs to be removed. Let us know if you start a gofundme page and good luck catching him.
If it were mine I would try medicating it, but I don't think the posted has access to the kind of antibiotics that would be used (Baytril, Cipro, Amikacin, etc).

As for swimming, I'm torn on that one... if I let mine swim I can tell if they're getting chilled, as I'm sure you can, so since I think they majority of problems are from them getting too cold and not drinking, I think I would wanna wait until they were 100% normal before swimming them again.

On the swimming of little babies, use a paint tray (like you use for paint rollers). They have an incline that the ducklings can walk into the water on. It's great for little ones that are just starting out. Someone on BYC mentioned this to me. It's wonderful!!

Good luck!
Yes they are locked up good and tight. There was a skunk really close to the house last night. I worry..
Oooh yeah I would worry, too, even if it couldn't get them. (I'm good at worrying!) Umm ... you could try to catch it with a havahart trap, but that probably wouldn't work unless you don't mind the smell too much. Out of ideas!
Hope you can take care of this problem!
I am at 3,000 ft-mountain rage 2,000 ft at the center of town. I am in between. Still trying to get a hang of water crystals. It's been crazy around here. Don't have time to get on much. We made a few changes around here. Humidity pads came so did the water fountain we ordered.maybe weekend it will slow down.

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