The Duck Thread

Can anyone help tell what beed this little guy might be? I just got him the other day and I can tell the other is a runner but no sure about him....he also has a small crest on his head

*usually* that would fall under Crested ducks category... looks like a blue...
Well she was doing good but unfortunate I just killed her! It was really hard to get the temp high enuf with her in the bowl so I turned the heat up a bit and cooked her! Right b4 that she was busting the shell open more and kept poking those veins with the shell...she was bleeding some...I put a little cornstarch on the spots that were bleeding but I don't know if it helped cuz she was still in the membrane! I guess u live & learn and this was definitely a learning experience! It was a long shot trying to hatch it that way anyways! I'm still sad and disappointed tho! I went ahead and took her out once she died and it wouldn't have been much longer...she only had a little bit of yolk left! I'm gonna make my ducks a nesting box with a door so I can keep them somewhat isolated when they r setting! Maybe it'll keep this from happening again! They really want babies & I do too!


Does anyone have suggestions on how to get my ducks to go into our pond???? They have a ball in their pool but stand by the shore of the pond and won't get in or drink from it.... It's 2 acres and they've had access to it now for about a month, at least a few hours everyday. They went in a little at the beginning but now they don't go in at all and its hot out! Id think they would want to get in the water and cool down.

There could be many reasons as others have suggested. Do you have swimming pools out for them or any other water source they use to swim in? I've had my ducks going on 3 yrs now and they have just this year started going to our pond that's about 125' from their night pen. They wouldn't use it originally so we dug one about 20' from their pen and landscaped it and everything. Now they won't use the one we dug, lol.

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