The Duck Thread

Sugar on her nest.


As you can see she wasn't happy with me taking her picture, lol. She's in the new duck house, which isn't finished and construction has halted until she's done. She went broody when I just had a tarp as the roof, as you can see. I put a temporary plywood roof on to keep her safe from predators but I didn't want to disturb her and take the tarp so I left it. She seems very cozy in there. It's fully enclosed so she's totally safe from predators but when she's done I need to put on the permanent roof, door, and all the trim to make it look pretty.
Sugar on her nest.

As you can see she wasn't happy with me taking her picture, lol. She's in the new duck house, which isn't finished and construction has halted until she's done. She went broody when I just had a tarp as the roof, as you can see. I put a temporary plywood roof on to keep her safe from predators but I didn't want to disturb her and take the tarp so I left it. She seems very cozy in there. It's fully enclosed so she's totally safe from predators but when she's done I need to put on the permanent roof, door, and all the trim to make it look pretty.
I she a Pekin? I thought they didn't go broody. Yeah, that looks awful comfy!
I she a Pekin? I thought they didn't go broody. Yeah, that looks awful comfy!

She is a pekin, and normally they don't, but she sure does. She tried three times last year but her nest was broken into all three times. I'm hoping she'll get ducklings on her first try this year.
Well, good for her! That'd be awesome if she can hatch some! :fl

They are gonna be so cute if she does, too. Half pekin, half welshie. Last year ravens actually went into my coop and broke into her nest right at the end of incubation, and one duckling was left after they took everything. It was dead because it wasn't ready to hatch, but it would have been the cutest little thing - it was all white with a black tail. So I'm expecting similar ducklings this time around.
They are gonna be so cute if she does, too. Half pekin, half welshie. Last year ravens actually went into my coop and broke into her nest right at the end of incubation, and one duckling was left after they took everything. It was dead because it wasn't ready to hatch, but it would have been the cutest little thing - it was all white with a black tail. So I'm expecting similar ducklings this time around.
Pesky ravens!
That sounds sooo adorable! Don't forget to post pics!
Originally Posted by Miss Lydia

@Ren2014 great news about the bleeding, Hope Fred feels better. Please keep us updated on how he is doing.

Thank you so much. Bleeding has stopped and he seems to be feeling better. Still keeping him in our guest bathroom, he takes up most of the floor, lol. I'm wanting to put him in our master shower so he can perch on the bench but my DH is going bolistic that I have him in the house anyways. I told him if his butt was on fire he wouldn't want to be outside with the flies and the heat.

@Ren2014 Flies are the worst they will crawl up inside the wound once you get maggots it's terrible so tell dh he needs to be patient. Or his butt will be on fire
How long do you think I should keep him inside? Maggots are just the grossest thing ever. I always thought they only ate dead flesh until someone brought a dog into the Vet I worked for in college. It was a terrible matted cocker spaniel and maggots were eating it alive. Maggots started crawling up the tub it was sooo bad.
O, I did tell him something like that, lol

This is MIKO. SHE has taken over the night shift on garden my ducks. She has been working hard ever since Henry got killed. Just thought I would share. She is doing a darn good job. She is worn out.
WTG Miko!

Sugar on her nest.

As you can see she wasn't happy with me taking her picture, lol. She's in the new duck house, which isn't finished and construction has halted until she's done. She went broody when I just had a tarp as the roof, as you can see. I put a temporary plywood roof on to keep her safe from predators but I didn't want to disturb her and take the tarp so I left it. She seems very cozy in there. It's fully enclosed so she's totally safe from predators but when she's done I need to put on the permanent roof, door, and all the trim to make it look pretty.
They are gonna be so cute if she does, too. Half pekin, half welshie. Last year ravens actually went into my coop and broke into her nest right at the end of incubation, and one duckling was left after they took everything. It was dead because it wasn't ready to hatch, but it would have been the cutest little thing - it was all white with a black tail. So I'm expecting similar ducklings this time around.
for happy healthy hatching. I can't wait to see pictures. My drake is a Welshie and I have two Pekin girls. I'm hoping one of them goes broody.

I think these are Blue Fawn Rouens but people say they're a cross? Of what, then? The only other breed the breeder had was Runner.


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