The Duck Thread

Hi everyone, I have been wanting to add a few ducks to my flock of chickens but had a few questions. Does anyone know the best heat hardy ducks for the southwest? I was looking at cayguas, blue swedish, call ducks and khaki campbells. What is the ratio of males to females that you can keep together? Every website seems to have a different opinion. Will drakes fight with a rooster? And what is your opinion on the flavor of duck eggs? Sorry for all the questions and thanks for any help.

I live halfway between Austin and Houston. We have had 100 plus temps. I have 3 Pekin, 2 Cayuga and 2 black Swedish. They have done fine in the heat. they do have plenty of shade and a little Kiddie pool to play in. All of mine are hens so I can't help you on the ratio.
I think the Pekin are the most fun. But other people have their own ideas. Pekin eggs are huge. About equivalent to 1.5 chicken eggs. I enjoy the taste.
Good luck!
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I live halfway between Austin and Houston. We have had 100 plus temps. I have 3 Pekin, 2 Cayuga and 2 black Swedish. They have done fine in the heat. they do have plenty of shade and a little Kiddie pool to play in. All of mine are hens so I can't help you on the ratio.
I think the Pekin are the most fun. But other people have their own ideas. Pekin eggs are huge. About equivalent to 1.5 chicken eggs. I enjoy the taste.
Good luck!

I wasn't really sure if Pekins did good in the heat because of their size so thanks for sharing your experience.
So my welsh harlequin hatch went well - except out of nine eggs I only got two females :th And Sugar my broody pekin hatched one of the two eggs I put under her when it pipped and she loves the baby, so that's good. The other one never hatched, unfortunately, but at least she has one baby. They're all super cute! And already making a mess with their water, of course.
So my welsh harlequin hatch went well - except out of nine eggs I only got two females
And Sugar my broody pekin hatched one of the two eggs I put under her when it pipped and she loves the baby, so that's good. The other one never hatched, unfortunately, but at least she has one baby. They're all super cute! And already making a mess with their water, of course.
Congrats! And where are the pictures??
So my welsh harlequin hatch went well - except out of nine eggs I only got two females :th And Sugar my broody pekin hatched one of the two eggs I put under her when it pipped and she loves the baby, so that's good. The other one never hatched, unfortunately, but at least she has one baby. They're all super cute! And already making a mess with their water, of course.

Aww congrats!! :)

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