The Duck Thread


will ceramic eggs encourage my KC's to start laying

I don't know if it will encourage them to lay but it will show them where to lay once they start. Otherwise, you might find eggs anywhere! I find them in the driveway, garage, and their pool!
I tried using golf balls, but the chickens didn't seem to like them. So I changed to putting a couple of ping pong balls in each nest,and walla! It works. The chickens will lay in those boxes now, bc for some reason they like to lay their eggs where the other hens lay theirs:) They might peck up the plastic balls, but I buy a whole pkg of them at the local dollar store, so easy and inexpensive to replace. Good luck.
Thank you so much. The only reason I would get drakes is because call ducks are straight run. I can't find them sexed anywhere! But all the other breeds I like I can get all female. So I may have to give up my dream of owning a cute little call duck. Because I have a rooster and it wouldn't really be worth them fighting or a drake hurting my hens. And I don't have the room, time or money to build a seperate duck pen. I have heard duck eggs are really good and would love to try them. But my mom says If we get ducks theirs no way she will eat their eggs. But she has no problem eating chicken eggs. Not sure why people act like it's really that big of a difference. Oh well, more eggs for me :)

I have the same experience here. We donate our surplus eggs to a food pantry. At first everyone was "YUK!!! Duck Eggs!!! No Way" but when that is all you have you brake down and eat them or use them to bake something. Now they actually ask for them. We can't give them enough to keep everyone happy. You might try making a really nice omelet someday (on the sly) and see if your mom notices anything. But that is wrong of me to suggest you do something to trick your mother. Sorry.
We dehydrate, powder, vacuum seal and freeze our surplus eggs.Now they will keep at least five years, so no waste. They are good for camping, emergency food supplies,or anything you want to use them for. The local food bank is a great idea, too :) I'm not sure if there are health laws here about donating eggs though.I'll have to check into that.
We have a question...Our Miscovies are starting to fly into the pond and out...does it matter that they have been here since three days I have to worry about the leaving...I don't want to clip but I'll do what is needed to keep my babies home and safe...thanks for your time... TeamKelbo
We have a question...Our Miscovies are starting to fly into the pond and out...does it matter that they have been here since three days I have to worry about the leaving...I don't want to clip but I'll do what is needed to keep my babies home and safe...thanks for your time... TeamKelbo
Be careful of turtles. They kill ducks. We have lost some this way. I only have regular ducks, not Muscovies.
Be careful of turtles. They kill ducks. We have lost some this way. I only have regular ducks, not Muscovies.
Don't have any turtles in pond luckily..and thanks for the heads up. I'm wondering when and if I need to clip my fliers wings and exactly how. It's a learning experience and I don't want to hurt while helping our babies. Any advice would be useful.

Okay. I own snakes as pets!:)
I have 12 snakes.

We had a snake kill 2 of our ducks when they were around 8-10weeks old. Too big to swallow for the snake but still killed them. We did had a small king snake around the pen a few weeks ago but we chased him away and put out sulfer to be sure he stayed away. Don't underestimate snakes even if you like them
Just make sure you take preventative measures to keep your babies safe.
Hey guys, so I've had my ducklings in the pen with my big ducks successfully for about a week and a half now. Everyone is doing well except my big ducks are still be a bit territorial over the kiddie pools even though we went out and bought more. How long usually before they think of the ducklings as part of their group?
Hi Everyone, I was hoping someone can help me. I have 5, 3 month old marllards. And I want to put all purpose Miracle Grow on my garden. But they like to follow me out there an drink an play in the mud an water. I don't want to hurt them... Is it safe or not? I could put them up for the night, So it could soak in. I just don't know what to do..

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