The Duck Thread

Bride of Chuck and Chuck Chuck is a duck that was raised by a chicken, so he think he's a chicken. He does bathe, but never hangs out with the other ducks. Here he is following his girl around. -Kathy
Cute! I had a drake that was raised with chickens and he was attached to one of my roosters. Followed him around everywhere. He did eventually abandon him for the girl ducks though, lol.
Cute! I had a drake that was raised with chickens and he was attached to one of my roosters. Followed him around everywhere. He did eventually abandon him for the girl ducks though, lol.
I tried to put him in a pen with ducks, but he is not interested in them. He's 3 now I think, so probably isn't gonna change.

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I had no idea...
I had no idea...
Right? Super smart! I really do love these guys. Now if they'd stop eating all my eggs and birds that would be great :barnie I picked up an owl decoy which hopefully will keep them away, although with how smart they are I'm going to have to move it around a lot or they'll figure out it's fake very quickly. I'll also be trying CDs on fishing line.
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Right? Super smart! I really do love these guys. Now if they'd stop eating all my eggs and birds that would be great
I picked up an owl decoy which hopefully will keep them away, although with how smart they are I'm going to have to move it around a lot or they'll figure out it's fake very quickly.
Crazy smart!

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Can someone please tell me if this is bumblefoot?

The bit on the toe looks like bumblefoot... the foot pad might be a yucky callus... soak in warm epsom salt water and see what you can work loose... apply clear/decolorized iodine after and a clean bandage if necessary...

Edited for spelling... crud, I can't type on my phone anymore! lol...
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