The Duck Thread

Can ducks swim year round since I havnt found him a mate yet I wanted to try and give him something to do other than just walking around with the chickens. O and I had to break ice this morning and it's been snowing to let everyone know how cold it's been getting.
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Can ducks swim year round since I havnt found him a mate yet I wanted to try and give him something to do other than just walking around with the chickens. O and I had to break ice this morning and it's been snowing to let everyone know how cold it's been getting.
If you can keep the water from freezing. Just don't let him sleep in water over night when temps are freezing or under he could get frozen in the water and that can cause frost bite.
If you can keep the water from freezing. Just don't let him sleep in water over night when temps are freezing or under he could get frozen in the water and that can cause frost bite.
I give mine water for bathing when temps get into low 40 and then it's just a cement tub they really don't care as long as they have something with water in it.
If you can keep the water from freezing.  Just don't let him sleep in water over night when temps are freezing or under he could get frozen in the water and that can cause frost bite.

He sleeps in the garage I have turkeys she usually sleeps in the trees and I don't want her sleeping with the chickens as she pecks them in the face so she gets a coop to her self in the winter.and I on,y have two cooos so I have nowhere else to put him
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He sleeps in the garage I have turkeys she usually sleeps in the trees and I don't want her sleeping with the chickens as she pecks them in the face so she gets a coop to her self in the winter.and I on,y have two cooos so I have nowhere else to put him
Garage is fine as long as it isn't drafty. So long as he is secure from preds is the main thing..
Hope you can find him a friend soon.
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Can ducks swim year round since I havnt found him a mate yet I wanted to try and give him something to do other than just walking around with the chickens. O and I had to break ice this morning and it's been snowing to let everyone know how cold it's been getting.

My first thought is that a healthy duck with feathers in good condition should be able to swim a bit. I add some less-cold water if it's been really cold. I also sprinkle shavings or straw around the outdoor area to prevent foot damage from ice shards and you know how wet feet on ice can stick? I try to avoid that.
My first thought is that a healthy duck with feathers in good condition should be able to swim a bit.  I add some less-cold water if it's been really cold.  I also sprinkle shavings or straw around the outdoor area to prevent foot damage from ice shards and you know how wet feet on ice can stick?  I try to avoid that.

Ya I see what you mean this morning was the first day I had to break ice it has been cold enough for it to freeze but it's been windy so there waters has been moving keeping it from freezing. But I was trying to catch him to put him in the coop and he kept jumping back in the pool.
His voice sounds really low and raspy. and are you supposed to be able to see through ducks nostrils?
I didn't see where anyone answered this so I will and I'm going to throw another question out there
Yes, you can see right through them to the other side. Why is this??

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