The Duck Thread

I don't know, I haven't done this cross before. These are my first duck eggs ever and only my second ever set of eggs.

I've never hatched eggs before, of any kind. We will be buying a small backyard flock of three ducks; we've had two ducks in the past. Ducks are amazing and ducklings are so. cute!! But we have limited space - enough so that three or four ducks can live in comfort, but not ten! So, no eggs for me
lol. Plus, I have the patience of a gnat..
I've got a problem.... some of my girls started with a limp this week that looked like the leg was bending oddly. Not using their legs at all today. Feet turn under and going backwards. I've got two in sick bay now. No visible trauma. No pain when/or any reaction to me moving and feeling the legs. These are the girls that go to the big tank. All I can think is they must be eating something over there that is not good.
I'm going to start searching here and google. Please share your thoughts. Thanks all.

Update.... going to flush now THANK YOU @Miss Lydia
Epsom Salt Flush:
3 Tsp. Epsom Salts.
1 ½ Cups water
¼ – ½ gram vitamin and electrolyte powder * Optional
2 – 3 times a day for 3 days or until a full recovery is made.
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I've got a problem.... some of my girls started with a limp this week that looked like the leg was bending oddly. Not using their legs at all today. Feet turn under and going backwards. I've got two in sick bay now. No visible trauma. No pain when/or any reaction to me moving and feeling the legs. These are the girls that go to the big tank. All I can think is they must be eating something over there that is not good.
I'm going to start searching here and google. Please share your thoughts. Thanks all.

Update.... going to flush now THANK YOU @Miss Lydia
Epsom Salt Flush:
3 Tsp. Epsom Salts.
1 ½ Cups water
¼ – ½ gram vitamin and electrolyte powder * Optional
2 – 3 times a day for 3 days or until a full recovery is made.
Your welcome and also Activated charcoal is another good one for a flush too. Let us know how they are doing.
Congrats!  Isn't it just the most awesome thing to see them come to life like that. I am amazed each and every time. :fl Continued success.

Thanks. Yeah!! Especially cause the temp in my bator went all the way down to 52 (thermastat malfunction.) I thought they were all dead. There are 7 out right now, three zippers and 5 pips :fl out of 20 eggs.
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My first thought was toxins - definitely would get the charcoal slurry going. Electrolytes would be a good follow-up, since the laxative (Epsom salt) can - I am told - create an imbalance. I think if you keep them hydrated you are doing well, and maybe a tiny bit of ACV in the water.

Hugs. Prayers.

My first thought was toxins - definitely would get the charcoal slurry going. Electrolytes would be a good follow-up, since the laxative (Epsom salt) can - I am told - create an imbalance. I think if you keep them hydrated you are doing well, and maybe a tiny bit of ACV in the water.

Hugs. Prayers.
Thank you. I did add electrolytes. I went with the Epsom flush because we just bought a bunch thinking I was going to be soaking legs. (I wish I was soaking legs now, lol) When two then four started limping I knew something wasn't right. I can't find the other two right now. Not sure what that means but I've checked the tank and even the really big tank further out and they are no where.
Thank you. I did add electrolytes. I went with the Epsom flush because we just bought a bunch thinking I was going to be soaking legs. (I wish I was soaking legs now, lol) When two then four started limping I knew something wasn't right. I can't find the other two right now. Not sure what that means but I've checked the tank and even the really big tank further out and they are no where.


I hope you find your ducks! I have nothing to add medical-wise, seems Amiga and MissLydia have said everything. Keep us updated!

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