The Duck Thread


Question, we bought two ducklings yesterday, one appears to have "bags" under its eyes, sorry for the poor quality pic. Hoping someone can help

Need a clear pic out from the red heat light... could be matted down, eye infection, sinus infections or just extra pudgey in the face... can't tell without better pic though, sorry...

Question, we bought two ducklings yesterday, one appears to have "bags" under its eyes, sorry for the poor quality pic. Hoping someone can help

Need a clear pic out from the red heat light... could be matted down, eye infection, sinus infections or just extra pudgey in the face... can't tell without better pic though, sorry...

No sinus issues, redness etc. Acting normal. No discharge. I'll get s better pic in the morning, it was just something I noticed as they were resting face to face.
No sinus issues, redness etc. Acting normal. No discharge. I'll get s better pic in the morning, it was just something I noticed as they were resting face to face.

Just fyi, sinus infections in waterfowl/poultry don't usually have discharge, it's usually just a bit of swelling in the face/cheeks as infection in them tends to be hard/cheesy as opposed to liquid pus like mammals get...

That is an adorable pic @cluckylady812
   maybe dehydration? Just a guess though.

That's a good guess too! :)

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