The Duck Thread

Yeah, I've never gotten my drakes to lay. No matter how much layer feed they eat, it just don't work...
Tevye eats a lot of the free choice oyster shell (goofball) and occasionally I've found him sitting in a nesting box. I've found two eggs like this (20g) and attributed them to him.

Whooo whooo haaaaa haaaa!
I'm starting to evaluate the two drakes now I've decided to keep one.

This one is big, he's broad and thick, I'm fairly certain he's going to be bigger than either of my pekins. Weight wise he's smaller but build wise, he's at least as broad and deep and thick as they are. He's also very clean, his bib has almost no blotches.



Look his primary flights are all white.

The beautiful duck (who is unnamed.)


Her bill turned dark green :confused:

Drake number two, he's not nearly as stout as the other drake, he feels smaller even though he weighs more.

OH, NO... I think Chickenmama has the "duck bug"
I started w/2 f/w's and now have 21 ducks, 3 ducklings and about 20 viable duck and chicken eggs in my 2 bators....
Oh NO you might be right....... after i got them home and had them fo a couple of hours, i had this REALLY bad urge to go get a couple more...
Tevye eats a lot of the free choice oyster shell (goofball) and occasionally I've found him sitting in a nesting box. I've found two eggs like this (20g) and attributed them to him.

Whooo whooo haaaaa haaaa!
LOL hey you never know...
I started with ten, in the last two months I've gone from ten to 39....
Oh wow! That would be so cool :)
In a couple different threads recently, I've seen some discussion on what a duck needs for a drinker. Unfortunately the world doesn't (AFAIK) make drinkers for ducks which allow them to wash their eyes easily. So I'm going to post this little makeshift idea that has temporarily worked for about 3 years (and outlasted several containers.)

First, pick a large container that you would use if you weren't afraid of them using it as a mini bathtub. In this case I'm using a 3 gallon storage box. I have used buckets / large dog bowls and many other things.

Fill it most of the way with water (ignore the top inch or so, they were just going to throw it on the ground in 15 seconds anyway.)

Toss in an irrigation valve box. (available at most home improvement stores for about $6. It has a handy hole to pick it up with, it keeps the ducks from bathing in their water. It is easy to clean. It doesn't displace much water. It can't be knocked off the top of the water container.
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Yes they are!!! No I haven't. They seem to be a few days old. How old do they have to be before you can give them a supervised bath? Alrighty here come the pics...


The first two pics are of Hopscotch and the last two are of Daffy :D

I was going to say they both look like my ancona ducklings did. I had black grey and chocolate. I think magpies look very similar to anconas so could be either or lol.
Hey guys! When I let my male Saxony duck out for a free range run, I noticed one of his eyes seemed a bit swollen. I picked him up and noticed it was somewhat foamy at times, and a little red. I gently pressed around it, and it seemed to bother him greatly, and his eyes watered up when I softly probed it. Can anyone help me? Is it swollen? If so, what is the cause, and what should I do? Here is a pic:

Here is what the other side of his eye looks like. It is much more flat, and seems to have no inflammation.(sorry for the blurriness)

Thank you all and please let me know what I should do.

Looks like an eye, sinus infection. I would go to a good duck vet. I think he needs antibiotics. There are eye drops - don't rule out sinus infection. Drops won't fix that, as far as I know.

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