The Duck Thread

Hey all, what are your opinions on waterfowl feed? Is it better then flovk raiser? Everything I've read sais it is but looking for personal opinions? I've found some I can purchase and am thinking of giving it a try.. :)
We have eight new little ducklings!!!

So adorable we get to looks at them 2X or more!!Congrats!
Hello can anyone tell me if blue and black Swedish ducks are supposed to have black yellow bills?
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Does anyone know if malted barley can be fed to ducks? Can they digesting alright? And does it have any nutritional value for them? Making beer at the farm brewery and we have malted barley after the process that we're not sure if it is usable. Otherwise, we may just compost it. But if it could be a great for the ducks, that would be great! Thank you!

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