The Duck Thread


I just purchased these 3 Khaki Campbell girls. (I don't think the picture came through.)They are 3.5 months old. I have two questions:

1. What is a good dusting powder for parasites. The place where we got them wasn't very clean, my husband is concerned they may have mites. We dusted them with diatamatious (sp?) earth (food grade from Tractor Supply) when we got home but I didn't see any mites or bugs on them, I also dusted the area where they will be staying NOT their nesting area only where they walk around.

2. One of the little girls has a crusty discharge from one of her eyes. What do I do about it other than rinse with saline solution? I haven't done anything about her eye yet, I am letting them settle down from the long ride and the new place.

Thanks for the help!

They are in quarantine from my present ducks until we get everything ironed out.


I don't use powder on my ducks, I use Ivermectin Pour On for mine...
ahhh so cute :)
are they friendly?
Unfortunately not! They are going crazy when I go into their pen, I sure hope they don't hurt themselves with all the flying and running around they do when I go near. I'll pull out the PEAS tomorrow. I'm giving them the night to settle down and start drinking and eating.
@Ravynscroft can you give me any pointers on the eye? Should I just rinse with saline or put some type of meds on it? It doesn't look puffy or red, just this dried discharge in the corner of the eye. Since I just got them today, I haven't doctored it, I am trying to let them settle into their new home before I stress them out by catching them. These girls aren't used to people.
Thanks for any help.
@Ravynscroft can you give me any pointers on the eye? Should I just rinse with saline or put some type of meds on it? It doesn't look puffy or red, just this dried discharge in the corner of the eye. Since I just got them today, I haven't doctored it, I am trying to let them settle into their new home before I stress them out by catching them. These girls aren't used to people.
Thanks for any help.

I would just rinse it and clean off the crud first, then rinse again... see how it looks after that... might have just been something that got in her eye and irritated it... give it a day... then if it does it again, get some Terrimycin ointment and apply after another rinse...

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