The Duck Thread

Does one have one eye stripe and the other have two, or is that just bull?

Oh, that's true... Mallards have one eye stripe and Rouens have 2... but, in most lines it is not that clear cut and takes a bit more of an experienced eye to tell the difference... many of the Rouen lines, the 2nd eye stripe is broken or only half there and in many Mallard lines there is a dash mark on the cheek...

Easier to go by size and shape instead for most people...
My boys got their Drake grown just wondering when my girls will begin laying eggs. Can't wait for that next milestone :)
If it's a Pekin, it will be around 6 months old before they lay eggs. But one of the KC ducks I got this past week layed an egg today, she is supposed to be only 3.5 months old. But I just got her so I really don't know when she was hatched. I find it hard to believe that at 3.5 months old they lay eggs. The lady said KC's start laying at around 4 months.
Good luck!

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