The Duck Thread

How do I make ducks like me? The group I rescued (khaki campbells or buffs? Not quite sure) are petrified. The harlequin in the house with the foot problems likes me alright and is sweet. I adore her. But the drake and 3 ladies outside are pretty skittery. I want to have them warm up to me.
How do I make ducks like me? The group I rescued (khaki campbells or buffs? Not quite sure) are petrified. The harlequin in the house with the foot problems likes me alright and is sweet. I adore her. But the drake and 3 ladies outside are pretty skittery. I want to have them warm up to me.

It takes time and treats...lots of treats...peas and more peas


Lots of time, patience and treats...

Corn works wonders. Just buy a big bag of frozen corn from Walmart. They love it.

While corn works, peas are a better choice for ducks... too much excessive corn builds up fat which *could* give them health issues later on in life... just fyi... :)
They do seem to be burning off any excess fat pretty well, though. Some of them are just skin and bones despite having access to food all day. :) Maybe because they free-range all day. :)

What type of ducks are they all? And how old are they?
Have you ever dewormed them? Worm overload *can* cause them to be skinny, j/s...

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