The EE braggers thread!!!

Question about egg color:

I got an egg today from an unknown chicken. I have Barred rocks that are just on the verge of laying at 16 weeks and a 26 week old EE that hasn't layed yet that I know of. The egg I got was just slightly larger than a quail egg and brown with dark brown speckles. Will an EE lay a speckled egg?

This is the potential girl.

She is such a Beauty!!
Thank You. She is very pretty. Not really a people-chicken but a good bird.

Haven't gotten a second egg like I described. Still no positive identification. I hate the waiting game. All my chickens are laying inconsistently right now. It's just too hot for them to be every day layers, I guess.
Thank You. She is very pretty. Not really a people-chicken but a good bird.

As long as she fits in a frying pan she will warm up and people will like her....
I try that, but to be honest I do not know who is paying their way and who is freeloading...
It's a little easier when, if like me, you only have 6 hens of laying age. I've confirmed 5 of them coming from specific chickens (3 RIR, 2 EE). I only have the one remaining EE that's old enough AND hasn't been a confirmed egg layer. I have 5 BR's al 16 weeks. If they lay that young then I'll be completely surprised.

BUT, right now is hit and miss with our heat. I was getting 4-5 a day from the older 6 but since it got hot, I'm only getting 2-3. I'm just happy to get eggs (and so are my neighbors).

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