The EE braggers thread!!!


This is my 7month old EE rooster from my EE project I think he's start to look very nice.
Nice birds! That EE on the far right top could almost pass as a silver Ameraucana.

Thanks! I bought them from a local breeder as ameraucana. I would like to consider them that but a couple aren't standard colours.... I guess that's up for debate. If I get a chance to breed them I guess that will be the test!
Its day 15 of my EE 3 egg hatch. I think only one of them looks like its may be viable. I have my fingers crossed on the hatch.

Mom, Molly seems to be healing up though she has lost a little weight. The weather is being a little rough on her. She has stopped limping but her tail feathers aren't in any hurry to grow back. I am shamelessly giving her extra treats like scratch and probably way too many mealworms everyday. But haven't seen new pinfeathers coming in yet.

I am now not so sure that Molly is a EE. So am wondering just what do i have in the bator? Doesn't matter ether way but i would be nice to 'know'. After the 'mauling' Mollys feet turned dark they are almost the same color as her beard now.

Molly with all her feathers a little over a month before she started laying.

All of the EE's were sold to me as Araucana's and when they all turned out to have tail feathers i figured they were EE's. Well sort of all, when the Rooster got older i noticed that he was missing the tall stiff center feathers on his tail, but he did have a tail.

My late roo Sherlock. The ends of his neck feathers turned a bright shinny red a couple weeks after this photo was taken.

Molly only laid 4 eggs before the dog mauled her. The first 3 were green and they went into the incubator. The last one laid the day after the mauling was blue. I finally got to it in the breakfast egg rotation this morning and the inside of the shell was blue as well. So that got me to wondering so what do you guys think, EE or Araucana's or Ameraucana?
The first hen is really pretty!!!
How cold is too cold? I would like to let my flock out, but am concerned about the temperature.

For birds that age? Honestly it's about what they are used to. Plenty of chicken owners have their birds go through winters well below 0 degrees, and they do quite fine. I on the other hand am pretty unused to temps below 25 degrees, and so even my birds will huddle into the warmest spots they can. Also, I'm far enough north and there's trees tall enough that there's little light on bright days, so, most of their days are pretty motionless and cold. Like hibernation, heh. It's all about what they're used to. I'm sure they'll be fine. If they have a warm place to retreat to, they'll go to that if it's too cold.

Love that blue rosecombed EE! Very Wyandotte influenced type.

Ladysmith, are you going to breed only the splashes? Breeding the duckwing girls x splash will get you EE's guaranteed, since the resulting birds will be unrecognized colors. Curious, what's the leg color of your birds? If the lady sold them as Ameraucanas, but there's some obvious EE's in there, I wonder if even the splash ones are safe to be Ameraucanas or if they've got some EE in there. Do they have slate shanks? Does the male have any sign of yellow or reddish coloration on him?
I was thinking if it was above freezing I would let them out... the weather is changing here and they have been locked up for almost a week :( just the start of winter!!!
I thought I would breed Brave my splash roo to the 2 splash girls and also the 4 blues I have. He has no yellow on him, his legs are slate, bottom of feet pink, white nails. I think they are all like that, but I have examined him the closest. I could post a pic of him. His poor tail has been picked on but is growing back :(
I was thinking if it was above freezing I would let them out... the weather is changing here and they have been locked up for almost a week
just the start of winter!!!
I thought I would breed Brave my splash roo to the 2 splash girls and also the 4 blues I have. He has no yellow on him, his legs are slate, bottom of feet pink, white nails. I think they are all like that, but I have examined him the closest. I could post a pic of him. His poor tail has been picked on but is growing back
I would let them out!!
Mine have the option to go outside during the day everyday. Sometimes its too chilly or the white stuff is scary but even when I think its too cold they are usually out scratching about. Even the subzero days.

Last winter was miserable. For about the first time ever we had temps down to -9 degrees. As long as there was no precipitation coming down, I opened the door so my chickens could go out. They ran up and down ice hills and found they could go under the deck where there was no ice and snow and dig and scratch to their hearts' content. Most of the time they were on top of three feet of frozen snow/ice.
They seemed to be having a great time
That said, some neighbors opened their coop doors and their hens would look out but not venture outside. Some of theirs were different breeds. I had mostly EE's.

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