The EE braggers thread!!!

It's not a guessing game.

That male is either silver or golden duckwing with columbian gene, so any females you breed him to will throw you silver females and golden males with a possibility of gold/BBR type females that look kind of like New Hampshire hens in color, some of them like your brown and black girl (what some people think is like partridge color) All of those hens will produce the the same results of mixed variations of duckwing with columbian genes, meaning they'll be varied amounts of black markings over a brown body, however since that male looks to be silver, you'll get silver offspring instead. So, they'll end up being white with black markings of varying amount in various regions, mostly the tail neck and back. Some just the tail. Males will look like your current cockerel. The white pullet will produce either solid white offspring with possibly black smudging or offspring that look just like the rest of them. (various wildtype colors with columbian influence.)

From what I see so far, the cockerel looks straight up silver duckwing with columbian. Possibly carrying a Wheaten gene but that doesn't matter too much. If he ends up developing any yellow or orange color, you've got a golden. If he's a silver, you'll end up with a lot of pretty pullets that look mostly white. The cockerels will look a lot like their father. If he's golden, you'll get offspring that look just like their mothers. The cockerels will be like their father, but with golden/orange/red coloration in the wings and back. If the male you're using is heterozygous for columbian, some of your offspring will have pretty salmon breasts on the females and black breasts with white and yellow in the neck/back in males. Basically a normal golden duckwing.

Hope that helps!
It's not a guessing game.

That male is either silver or golden duckwing with columbian gene, so any females you breed him to will throw you silver females and golden males with a possibility of gold/BBR type females that look kind of like New Hampshire hens in color, some of them like your brown and black girl (what some people think is like partridge color) All of those hens will produce the the same results of mixed variations of duckwing with columbian genes, meaning they'll be varied amounts of black markings over a brown body, however since that male looks to be silver, you'll get silver offspring instead. So, they'll end up being white with black markings of varying amount in various regions, mostly the tail neck and back. Some just the tail. Males will look like your current cockerel. The white pullet will produce either solid white offspring with possibly black smudging or offspring that look just like the rest of them. (various wildtype colors with columbian influence.)

From what I see so far, the cockerel looks straight up silver duckwing with columbian. Possibly carrying a Wheaten gene but that doesn't matter too much. If he ends up developing any yellow or orange color, you've got a golden. If he's a silver, you'll end up with a lot of pretty pullets that look mostly white. The cockerels will look a lot like their father. If he's golden, you'll get offspring that look just like their mothers. The cockerels will be like their father, but with golden/orange/red coloration in the wings and back. If the male you're using is heterozygous for columbian, some of your offspring will have pretty salmon breasts on the females and black breasts with white and yellow in the neck/back in males. Basically a normal golden duckwing.

Hope that helps! :)
Yes it did but he is getting some cream colored hackles.
My white EE Marshmallow came from Murray this picture she is about 14 weeks. She is currently 28 weeks and no eggs yet. My EEs have been great with the cold now that they are over the initial shock. Thermometer said 8 when I let them out this morning (not including wind chill) and they all came out into the run. I keep food and water in the run to encourage them to come outside!

I appreciate hearing how other's birds are doing I this cold weather. This is my first winter with chickens, and I've chosen not to heat my coop unless absolutely necessary (wild swings in temp)...but I did put up plastic on the upper coop. I think I need to put of a tarp wind-break, too, for the run. My girls love to be in the yard with us more than they are scared of snow, I think....Here was the first snowstorm of the season (so the delicious grass was still showing)...the begged to be let out to play. Here is Buttercup, enjoying some free range time. COChix she reminds me of your picture of Honey...

We'll see now that the delicious grass is completely hiding, if they come out to play or not. If not, their run is covered so they spend most of their afternoons out there.


Momma at 23 weeks of age


2 house dogs dug under the fence to get in to the yard today and got Momma wile she was under the shed sitting on her third nest for the year and she was only 49 weeks old and got her and 6 of her 8 week old chicks who were near by and 5 guinea chicks and all the other guinea ore 3 total adults were making a lot of noise and after getting outside I could see the carnage happening so I got the trouble ender and put the two house dog's on the fence ,,,This happened at 4 PM and the Sheriff's Deputies did not show up till 7 PM to recover the dog's and said it was not their jurisdiction and said Animal Control would be out by Friday to make sure I did everything correctly as the chickens were live stock the shooting was legal ......

Ok I am still out a lot of money so where are the owners of the dog's

How I am felling right now

I appreciate hearing how other's birds are doing I this cold weather. This is my first winter with chickens, and I've chosen not to heat my coop unless absolutely necessary (wild swings in temp)...but I did put up plastic on the upper coop. I think I need to put of a tarp wind-break, too, for the run. My girls love to be in the yard with us more than they are scared of snow, I think....Here was the first snowstorm of the season (so the delicious grass was still showing)...the begged to be let out to play. Here is Buttercup, enjoying some free range time. COChix she reminds me of your picture of Honey... We'll see now that the delicious grass is completely hiding, if they come out to play or not. If not, their run is covered so they spend most of their afternoons out there.
Yes she is very similar to Honey, pretty girl you got there.
Momma at 23 weeks of age :weee REST IN PEACE MOMMA ....... :hit 2 house dogs dug under the fence to get in to the yard today and got Momma wile she was under the shed sitting on her third nest for the year and she was only 49 weeks old and got her and 6 of her 8 week old chicks who were near by and 5 guinea chicks and all the other guinea ore 3 total adults were making a lot of noise and after getting outside I could see the carnage happening so I got the trouble ender and put the two house dog's on the fence ,,,This happened at 4 PM and the Sheriff's Deputies did not show up till 7 PM to recover the dog's and said it was not their jurisdiction and said Animal Control would be out by Friday to make sure I did everything correctly as the chickens were live stock the shooting was legal ...... :/ Ok I am still out a lot of money so where are the owners of the dog's :confused: :th :barnie :idunno :hit :rant :mad: :oops: How I am felling right now :sick gander007 :old
Gander, what a shame and sorry for your loss. Momma was very good at what she did, it is always hard loosing any.

I had wriiten quite a little bit about our EE's but the page refreshed, and all that was gone
We're hatching a few from our Bantam ee who is in with our LF gals
We're looking for % of tufts muffs & feathered feets as well as % bantam : LF

should be an interesting hatch we're 3 days from lockdon

Momma at 23 weeks of age


2 house dogs dug under the fence to get in to the yard today and got Momma wile she was under the shed sitting on her third nest for the year and she was only 49 weeks old and got her and 6 of her 8 week old chicks who were near by and 5 guinea chicks and all the other guinea ore 3 total adults were making a lot of noise and after getting outside I could see the carnage happening so I got the trouble ender and put the two house dog's on the fence ,,,This happened at 4 PM and the Sheriff's Deputies did not show up till 7 PM to recover the dog's and said it was not their jurisdiction and said Animal Control would be out by Friday to make sure I did everything correctly as the chickens were live stock the shooting was legal ......

Ok I am still out a lot of money so where are the owners of the dog's

How I am felling right now

Oh Gander, I am so sorry for your loss! I know she was quite special to you and and excellent momma. While she and the others can not be replaced, I hope the situation is resolved quickly for you.

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