The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Don’t mean to intrude but just saw Zane’s name! What a reminder. He was a great roo. Good to see you Cyn
Carrie! So glad to see you in my thread! You are someone who would remember Zane. You are never intruding, ever! :hugs I came across a card you made for me years ago with one of my Blue Orp hens on the front so you've been on my mind.
I personally don't understand holidays and how everyone does what everyone else is doing just because everyone else is doing it.

Edited to add I don't mean to sound judgemental to anyone that does holidays. I just personally don't understand them. I'm considered weird, and a downer due to my views. I stopped buying gifts a few years ago and got off the Christmas spending spree and it's been much more enjoyable just enjoying the time not the objects.
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I personally don't understand holidays and how everyone does what everyone else is doing just because everyone else is doing it.

Edited to add I don't mean to sound judgemental to anyone that does holidays. I just personally don't understand them. I'm considered weird, and a downer due to my views. I stopped buying gifts a few years ago and got off the Christmas spending spree and it's been much more enjoyable just enjoying the time not the objects.

Everyone must make their own decisions about holidays. We have our reasons for avoiding Halloween, Christmas and Easter and because we don't, we are looked down on in the family. Thanksgiving is looked at differently by the Indians than us, trust me, but DH just loves turkey and dressing (and you can leave off the turkey, LOL). But it has no real religious significance, per se, so it's okay. I just don't care for the usual stuff folks eat that day. Boring after all the years of same-old, same-old. I can't eat much at any meal so it loses it's fun feeling for me.

You're definitely not a downer to me. I would love for folks to, in all areas of life, question why they do things and make decisions based on knowledge rather than just follow the crowd. Question everything is my motto! You're not a downer to me. I don't buy stuff for people, either. Not participating in the holidays is like the FF crowd issue I've had to deal with lately-if you don't do it, they look at you like the enemy, like you're nuts instead of them being the weirdos. Buck the system, be the rebel! We tried to institute a new holiday, coming to our place for homemade BBQ that Tom smokes around Labor Day, but it's always "We can't come because.....". So, whatever, I give up!
I would come!!!!

:celebrate I know you would, Mary, and I appreciate it. Wish you didn't live all the way over there.

I took Lizzie out and tried to see if she'd dustbathe. She can't, she just dug around with her beak in the dirt and sat in one place. She staggers around, unable to stand, so this is going to be awhile before I can see if there is any hope for her.

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