The "Fluff Bunch"

4 Love of Baby Chickens

12 Years
Aug 15, 2007
The middle of Middle Tennessee
Hello, and welcome to my home! My name is Sunset but you can me Sunny.


I am the most handsome Buff Silkie Rooster in the world. I won 1st place in the fair.
Doesn't it prove it?

These are my girls, Ms B and Snowball. Aren't they beauties?

And last but not least...... Meet Princess Snow White. My human paid $20 for this little girl. She has champions in her bloodlines. Isn't she simply gorgeous? Personally I like her better than the others put together. Shhhh! Don't let them know I said that!

I live with my girls in a 5' by 3' pen. We are extremely well taken care of. We get plenty of food, water, greens, and get let out at least four times a week. We all love our Human. She certainly loves to touch our silky soft feathers. We certainly have gotten her to fallen in love with us. With her help, we'll WILL take over the world!!! Muhahahaha!!!
But I do have one problem. Ms. B is over a year old and she STILL hasn't started laying! What do I do? At least Snowball is laying. I love watching her laying her egg though she squawks like crazy at me! Maybe in the spring (if Ms B starts laying or if my human finds me a pretty Buff girl) I will be a daddy.
My human, (after she gets some more money) she is gonna find a blue or splash rooster for Ms. B, a white non - bearded rooster for Snowball, and a young white bearded rooster for Princess when she is around eight months old.

Pretty much that's the life of the The "Fluff Bunch" in a nutshell.

I still think I am the most handsome Buff Silkie Rooster ever.
Awwwww, so sweet!!! You have very pretty girls Sunny! I'm sure Mrs B will lay when she is ready. Ps. You are the handsomest Buff Silkie Rooster ever!!!
Sunset, the Princess is sooo beautiful - maybe even more beautiful than you?
Sunny; Hey! Yes, she's prettier than the other girls put together. But no silkie rooster is more handsome than me!
Ms B; What are you saying!? Are you saying that little whipper snapper is prettier than ME!? How dare you!
I'll start laying when I want too.
Snowball; I'm not to crazy about that little white fluffball. She thinks that she's better than every single silkie our human keeps. *sniffs*

Sunny; Whoah girls! Whooops! Me and my big beak.
Ms. B; Yeah, you should've kept your thoughts to yourself.
Snowball; You're in trouble Mr.
Sunny; I think I'm in the dog house.

Me; Whoah there fella and bella's! Calm down. Sunny, I will get you a buff girl when I can. Ms B and Snowball, You will have your own fella's to deal with soon enough. Stop picking on poor Sunny.

Princess; What did I do? I'm just a five month old white silkie pullet (who happens to be rather lovely). C'mon Ms. B. I think that you are the prettiest black hen I've seen. Snowball, you are a gorgeous non-bearded white silkie hen. Please, I'm sorry if I make you guys jealous.

Ms. B; What?!?!?!?!
Snowball; *stutters*

Me; Good girl Princess!
Sunny; Maybe I'm out of the doghouse?

Do you think that Sunny is out of the doghouse with Snowball and Ms B?
Sunny; Nope, I'm not out of the doghouse.
Ms. B; You certainly are not! Watch your feathers.
Snowball; If our human hadn't separated me from you.........

Bootsie (D'ccle hen); Watch your beak Snowball. You know that I am the top hen in this pen. Besides.... I like Princess. She is cute.
Me; I separated Snowball from Sunny to save room in their pen for a nesting box. Bootsie may pick on Snowball a bit, but they do share the nesting box at least. The only 2 chickens that are laying out of 16 chickens that can lay are bantams!

Snowball & Bootsie; You are happy that WE are laying! Correct?
Me; Of course I am! Your eggs are so cute and yummy.

Sunny; I am sorry girls. All of you are GORGEOUS!
Ms. B; I guess I'll let you off the hook THIS TIME.
Snowball; Me too.

Princess; What about me? Are you guys jealous of me being our girl's favorite?
Snowball, Ms B, & Bootsie; Of course not! She babies ALL of us! Why shouldn't she?

*I think that we have peace among the "Fluff Bunch". For now.*

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