~The Forest of Falconim~ A Bird of Prey RP (New, Needs Players!!)


7 Years
Sep 22, 2012
There was once peace in the forest of Falconim. Living in secret, a half-successful scientific experiment thrived: Birds of prey with human intelligence. All of the test subjects were members of the superorder Falconimorphae, and nearly every species had success in the experiment. A few birds were released into the wild to be monitored, but the tracking devices failed and the birds were lost forever in the vast valley of Falconim.
Quickly discovering their differences, the birds split into two main groups: The Striga, a flock of Strigiformes, or owls, and The Falkon, a group of Falconiformes, or every other species of predatory birds.
Until now, the two flocks have lived in peace, every bird in them intelligent enough to understand how important a life without violence was to their future. Unfortunately, in the past years birds have been disappearing from each flock. With each birdnapping a strange, unsigned note was left: We have the captives. No one will survive the war. Your rivals are waiting beside you in the forest.
Assuming the kidnappers were their neighboring flock, each side prepared for war.
Will you investigate who is really behind these disappearances, or lead your side to a victory you are certain will solve the case?

  • Keep the violence to low PG-13 during fight scenes.
  • No cursing in or out of character.
  • You cannot kill or cripple another person's character without their permission.
  • No major plot twists without my permission! This is very important to the RP.
  • If a bird is not part of The Audox (See the flocks below "Rules") their species (Owl/Not an Owl) MUST match their flock.
  • Your characters can have a mate and chicks. Just please do NOT describe "how they got their children."
  • You may have a mate of another species, but this is the rule: A birds mate MUST be in the same scientific GENUS as them. Ask me about this or look it up in a book or site like wikipedia.(I know this limits the family possibilities but it keeps the RP realistic.) Birds in the same genus share the first part of their scientific names. (i. e. Golden Eagle: Aquila chrysaetos, can mate with a Tawny Eagle: Aquila rapax."
  • No magic or powers. The reason the birds are intelligent is because of experiments, not magic.
  • No invincible characters, please.
  • When fighting, one blow per post. The other person decides the injury taken. (Unless the two fighting are your own characters.)
  • Your characters can only dodge 1 out of every 4 blows aimed at them. All other injuries must be at LEAST as bad as a papercut.
  • Be realistic in fights, a single bird can't be attacked by ten birds twice as big as them and come out with two or three scratches.
  • Please, ONLY use birds of prey,these from the superorder Falconimorphae. Birds can be owls or other birds of prey. Anything you want that fits this requirement will do. :)
  • Please don't start anymore flocks. You MAY start a small group but it MUST stay involved in the plot (Your group can work on tracking down the real kidnappers or work for them.) It cannot be a flock but CAN have a leader.
  • No instant healing! Your birds MUST take a reasonable amount of time to recover from battles.
  • Birds in the RP can read/write/etc. They cannot build houses, libraries, or any other buildings. Be creative in where your characters stash their stuff! (Birds of prey simply don't have the supplies or hands to build huge things whether they are intelligent or not.)
  • No modern technology or weapons like computers or guns. Like in the above rule, birds don't have hands or other basic body parts to build these things.
  • The birds can fight with blades and fire. (Fires must be lit in some semi-realistic way, though.)

The Flocks:

The Falkon: The Falkon is the flock of Falconiformes, or any bird of prey that is NOT an Owl. They own the eastern side of the forest. They were the first flock to have members kidnapped and accuse the Striga.

The Striga: The Striga is the flock of Strigiformes, or owls. They own the western side of the forest beside their rival flock, the Falkon. When The Falkon falsely accused them of birdnapping birds from their flock, they assumed the kidnappings from their side were done by the Falkons and began the war.

The Audox: The Audox is the secret flock behind the kidnappings. The flock is made of birds from both rival flocks who have agreed to start a war to eliminate both. Their motives are mostly power, and because of their smaller numbers, they plan on using trickery to get it. They hide in the unclaimed land between the Falkon and Striga. No one has discovered them...yet.

  • Green Land: The Falkon's Land
  • Red Land: The Striga's Land
  • Purple Land: The Audox's Land
  • Blue: Rivers and Water
  • Orange: Unexplored/claimed
  • Black: Borders & Boundaries

  • Leader: The leader is the bird that makes most decisions for the flock. Leaders can be driven out of their flocks if most birds in the flock decide they make unwise choices, but most of the time they have nearly absolute power. The Leader has the right to choose new generals.
  • General: Generals command soldiers and, in extreme cases, civilians to battle. There is about 3-4 with the average flock, but more are often added as the flock grows bigger. Generals can retire at anytime, but they must notify the leader first.
  • Soldiers: Soldiers are birds trained to fight. They are led by either the General or Leader, depending on the size of the battle they are facing. Younger soldiers are often trained by older, experienced ones or retired soldiers who have become civilians.
  • Civilians: Civilians are birds that are retired, young, mothers, or simply unable to become soldiers out of personal choice or failure in training. They rarely fight unless the flock is facing a large threat and needs extra assistance.
  • Head Librarian: The Head Librarian is often an older, more intelligent bird. They are rarely younger than 10 or 20 because of the amount of experience it takes to become one. Head Librarians are in charge of guarding secrets and records from the history of the flock. They are also in charge of recording events that happen for future members of the flock to learn from. The "library" used by them is usually a cave or large hollow in a tree, but more creative places can be used. When under attack, they are in charge of keeping the most valuable knowledge of the flock from being destroyed.

Ranks Outside of Flocks:
  • Freeflier: A Freeflier is the nickname for a bird that does not have a flock. They live in the Unclaimed (Orange) land and can be useful in the war if you convince them to fight for your side.
  • Missing: A Missing Bird is a bird who was kidnapped by the Audox. When a bird who was formerly roleplayed as another rank is kidnapped, their rank is changed to this. You may create a bird who was ALREADY captured before the RP. You MUST include the bird's former flock when you create a Missing Bird.

Joining Form:

Picture or Description:

Ranks of the Flocks:

(NOTE: These ranks may not be accurate! Check the character page for current characters and ranks.)

~The Falkon~
Leader: Surge (wildriverswolf90)
Generals: [None Open. More to be added.] Sylvia (iluvorpingtons), Gyro (Feanor Nenharma), Aragon (Nickeyo),
Soldiers: [Unlimited Open] Hecate (iluvorpingtons)
Civilians: [Unlimited Open]
Head Librarian: Attollo (iluvorpingtons)

~The Striga~
Leader: Smoke (SilkiesForEver)
Generals: [None Open. More to be added.] Luna (wildriverswolf90), Argenta (iluvorpingtons), Bethany (iluvorpingtons)
Soldiers: [Unlimited Open]
Civilians: [Unlimited Open] Estel (iluvorpingtons)
Head Librarian: [1 Open]

~The Audox~
Leader: Ash (iluvorpingtons)
Generals: [3 Open. More to be added]
Soldiers: [Unlimited Open] Cinder (iluvorpingtons), Shade (wildriverswolf90), Storm (wildriverswolf90), Marzipan (cluckcluckluke), Taix (cluckcluckluke)
Civilians: [None Open]
Head Librarian: [None Open]

[Unlimited Open]
Whisper (Nickeyo)
Swift (Nickeyo)

~Missing Birds~
Falkon Members: [2 Open. More places will be added.] Twister (wildriverswolf90)
Striga Members: [1 Open. More places will be added.] Stella (iluvorpingtons), Shikira (holieberry)
Last edited:
Name: Surge
Gender: Male
Species: bald eagle
Age: 8
Flock: falkon
Rank: leader
Personality: he is pround, smart, and kind. he is a thinker, and does well in battle because he plans his attacks.
History: TBR
Picture or Description:

Username: wildriverswolf
Name: Surge
Gender: Male
Species: bald eagle
Age: 8
Flock: falkon
Rank: leader
Personality: he is pround, smart, and kind. he is a thinker, and does well in battle because he plans his attacks.
History: TBR
Picture or Description:
Username: wildriverswolf
Accepted :) I'll make a character page for the RP in a sec.
Name: Luna
Gender: female
Species: Barn owl
Age: 5
Flock: Striga
Rank: general
Personality: She is smart, cunning, comes across as easy going but can be fierce and determined.
History: She was once a loner and has climbed her way to a general.
Picture or Description:

Username: wildriverswolf
Last edited:
Name: Twister
Gender: male
Species: peregrine Falcon
Age: 3
Flock: falkon
Rank: Missing bird
Personality: He is shy, but don't underestimate his small size, he can be very fiesty.
History: he was taken from his home with The Falkons
Picture or Description:

Username: wildriverswolf
My characters:

Name: Stella
Gender: Female
Species: Barn Owl

Age: 2 years old
Rank: Missing
Flock: The Striga (Formerly)
Personality: She is a fiery younger owl who likes to enjoy her free time and will take a while to become serious again. Stella likes making friends but will pick sides in an argument between them faster than a feather can drop. She is sometimes impulsive but tries to keep her feelings under control.
History: She lived her life as a soldier training until she was captured. She had fought in very few battles in the war and was still inexperienced at the time she went missing. The bird who captured her was Cinder.
Picture or Description:

Other: Her favorite food is shrew :)P)
Username: iluvorpingtons

Name: Cinder
Gender: Female
Species: Swallow Kite
Age: 11 years

Flock: The Audox
Rank: Soldier
Personality: She is cold, quiet, and seemingly cruel to those she is enemies with. Despite her common attitude, she can be warm and trustworthy with those she like and knows well.
History: She joined the Audox at the age of 9. Stella is the first bird she has kidnapped.
Picture or Description:

Other: None
Username: iluvorpingtons

Name: Aurum
Gender: Male
Species: Golden Eagle
Age: 29 years

Flock: The Falkon
Rank: General
Personality: He is bold in a fight but knows how to curb his anger. He tries not to let his temper fly often and will sometimes come off as overly cautious or mildly obsessed with being prepared in a fight.
History: TBR
Picture or Description:

Other: He is looking for a mate...
Username: iluvorpingtons

Name: Argenta
Gender: Female
Species: Great Gray
Age: 4 years

Flock: The Striga
Rank: General
Personality: She takes time to think about her actions. While she can do this quickly, she rarely voices her opinions unless she feels the need too.
History: She became a General when she was 3 and helped train Stella. When her friend went missing she was distressed and became determined to find her (which she believed meant defeating The Falkon.)
Picture or Description:

Other: None
Username: iluvorpingtons

Name: Attollo
Gender: Male
Species: Bald Eagle
Age: 31 years

Flock: The Falkon
Rank: Head Librarian
Personality: Wise, impulsive, stressed, obsessive, organized, angry, oddball, more than a little crazy. Can seem completely insane at times. . He hates Sylvia...a lot.
History: He started out as a soldier but switched to the rank of Head Librarian when he became older.
Picture or Description:

Other: Obsesses over guarding his knowledge
Username: iluvorpingtons

Name: Sylvia
Gender: Female
Species: Red-tailed Hawk
Age: 19 years

Flock: Falkon
Rank: General
Personality: Angers easily, powerful, untrustworthy, loyal to the few she loves (that's...no one so far) sort of crazy. She is not the best leader but an excellent fighter. She hates Attollo, and she really, really hates him. Obnoxious at times.
History: She was a very strong young soldier despite her obvious flaws. She was promoted to a general because of her power.
Picture or Description:

Other: None
Username: iluvorpingtons
Last edited:
Name: Ash
Gender: Male
Species: Gray

Age: 22 years
Flock: The Audox
Rank: Leader
Personality: Not afraid to voice his strong opinions. Clever and good at deceiving. Controls his anger but feels a lot of it.
History: He was once a general for The Falkon but decided he wanted more than just a high rank. He faked his own death at the age of 15 and worked to form a new flock of freefliers and traitors ready to set the Striga and Falkon against each other.
Picture or Description:

Other: He is still looking for a mate
Username: iluvorpingtons.

Name: Estel
Gender: Female
Species: Snowy Owl
Age: 13

Flock: The Striga
Rank: Civilian
Personality: Shy and reserved.
History: She was a soldier in training for a year then decided it wasn't the right life for her.
Picture or Description:

Other: None
Username: iluvorpingtons


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