The Girls first day outside!

For dirt baths I bought a couple of these and fill them with dirt from my property. I provide these from day 1 and the immediate exposure to the bacteria in the dirt helps to build up their immunity. The chicks absolutely love to play in the dirt and it's like a little playground for them.
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I know this is an old thread, but I have chicks for the first time and I'm trying to figure out if I should put something like this in our brooder. I'm using the coop as a brooder and so far it has only pine shavings in it. The floor underneath is vinyl.

I've seen a couple of chicks trying to dust bathe by flopping around on a section of the vinyl scraped clean of shavings. Not a very successful dust bath. haha So I'm wondering if I should help them out by putting a pan of dirt from our yard in the coop.

The run is not accessible to them yet, as we still have to predator-proof it.

The chicks are probably nearing two weeks old.

What do you think?
I know this is an old thread, but I have chicks for the first time and I'm trying to figure out if I should put something like this in our brooder. I'm using the coop as a brooder and so far it has only pine shavings in it. The floor underneath is vinyl.

I've seen a couple of chicks trying to dust bathe by flopping around on a section of the vinyl scraped clean of shavings. Not a very successful dust bath. haha So I'm wondering if I should help them out by putting a pan of dirt from our yard in the coop.

The run is not accessible to them yet, as we still have to predator-proof it.

The chicks are probably nearing two weeks old.

What do you think?
I would definitely recommend adding some dirt if you can. They play in a pan of dirt like a kid sandbox:)
I did put a dust bath into the brooder. I used a under the bed storage container and used dirt from their soon to be coop floor and a bit of coffee ground litter I had leftover to help absorb any dampness. They absolutely love it and it seems to make them so happy. My brooder is a tent so they can fling it and fling it they do! I say that as warning because it would make quite a mess if my brooder was opened.

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