The Great Egg Experiment


Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN
Thought I would share this with you. A friend of my sister did this experiment and this is the email she sent my sister. True story. I do know the woman and she is very matter of fact about things. It is an interesting experiment.

Way back when we had first started selling mom's fresh organic farm eggs, many of you asked me just how long do eggs stay fresh? Well, I decided to find out and wanted to give you an update on my experiment.

Back in July 2010, I started with a dozen of mom's fresh farm eggs that were NOT washed off. If they had any dust or dirt on the shell, I just brushed it off with a dry paper towel. I put them in a regular egg carton and stored them in the fridge. I wrote on the carton "do not eat! do not sell! do not touch!" so that I did not accidentally give away my experiment eggs.

I took one egg out every few months to crack it open and compare it to an egg that was only 1 day old. They were completely fine every time and I could not tell any difference at all. The older one had no smell (neither good or bad, since eggs should not have any odor), it had the same color, same thickness, same taste as the one day old egg. I checked at 2 months, 4 months, 6mo, 8mo, 10mo, 12 mo and 14 months. Each time, I could not tell any difference at all. :)

I forgot to check at the 16 month mark. ooops.

However, at 18 months, the egg still had no smell (neither good or bad), but the inside yolk had shrunk in size. After a year and a half, it had finally started to dehydrate and lose it's water by evaporation through the pores in the egg shell. I guess the natural wax that had been protecting it all this time had finally given up. The egg white and egg yolk shrunk to the size of a gum ball and was firm like jello. I added water and scrambled it up. It tasted fine. So, even though it was smaller, it still smelled and tasted fine.

In summary, if you have fresh farm eggs, do not wash off the natural protective waxy coating. They will stay fresh in your fridge for AT LEAST 14 months. :)
Very interesting.
I am not eating a 18 month old jelly-like egg even if it DOES smell okay!

Hey Citygirl!

But seriously, I am not saying that I don't believe this and I'm not saying that I do. I have left eggs on the counter and in the fridge way longer than the recommendations say and haven't had any bad experiences yet. I didn't leave them that long but have left some on the counter for 6 weeks and in the fridge for 8 weeks a couple of times.

I have faith in bloom and only refridgerate if I know I will be boiling them later (for Deviled Eggs) or if I have to wash them because of poo. I don't sell out of the fridge and only sell/give away eggs that are clean and less than a week old.
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I know. I told her I was pretty impressed that she reconstituted the egg and ate it. I wouldn't have done it either. I'm not that brave.

It's a legit experiment. She really did do it. She's that kind of woman. I told her that her next one needed to be done with eggs left on the counter. She and her mother already did one where they put unwashed eggs in a crock and covered them with a salt water mixture. They left them unrefridgerated and checked on them every couple of months. That experiment has been going for a year now and by all accounts the year old eggs look and taste just like the day old eggs.

Hey, Wisher! How's your world?
That is neat. I often wash,but I may just wipe from now on if it is eggs I am keeping.
I am not eating a 18 month old jelly-like egg even if it DOES smell okay!

What's the worst that could happen?

Well, there's:

1. Spending the next week in the fetal position, praying for death.

2. Bone bending chills and aches.

3. Weight loss that makes your friends exclaim "Oh my gosh!! What happened?!?!"

That woman is the Evel Knievel of the egg-laying world. I hope I can meet her someday. I'll probably have to fight down the urge to ask for her autograph! :) I am seriously impressed by this! Who knew there was "Extreme Egg Eating"?
That woman is the Evel Knievel of the egg-laying world. I hope I can meet her someday. I'll probably have to fight down the urge to ask for her autograph! :) I am seriously impressed by this! Who knew there was "Extreme Egg Eating"?

I know!! I can't believe she actually ate it. I might try the rest of the experiment, but I'm not eating 18 month old jelly eggs. Ugg. She's fine though. No harm done.

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