The Holiday Chick Inn


7 Years
May 21, 2013
Mays Landing, New Jersey

I only wish I had taken more pictures during construction. My name is Dave. My wife, myself & 2 children live in Southern New Jersey. I am permanently disabled due to many health issues, but I'm the kind of person that has to keep busy. I have numerous friends that have chickens and I thought it would be something I'd like to do. First I would like to thank everyone at BYC. 99% of what I learned came from this site & its members. Well here goes :)

I started the project in May of 2013. I actually started building the run first. I tried to utilize any old lumber I had lying around. I did need to buy 2X3's ( because I wanted to keep the cost down as best I could. I know it may not last as long as 2X4's, but I can always replace them down the road. I built the run in 4 ft. sections to make assembly as easy as possible. I sunk some 2X3X8's in the ground to connect the sections to. The run is 8X24.

I used my old shed for the coup & with some modifications I think it turned out great.I added to windows to the back to provide some cross ventilation. The coup is 8X10. I added a couple roosts from some trees I cut down and a little ladder from some scrap wood


Oh & I can't forget our first chicks :) I sectioned off with chicken wire and a piece of plywood (put the plywood down for easy cleaning) a 4X4 in the corner of the coup. Our first batch consisted of 4 EE, 4 Red Sex Links, 1 Black Sex Link & 1 White Leghorn.

I used heavy gauge wire for the bottom 4 ft. of the run & poultry wire for the top. I also used some old plastic netting to cover the top. We have hawks around here. I wanted to replace the existing front windows. My 13 year old son a few years back shot holes in them with his bb gun. I guess boys will be boys.

I added another roost because I heard the roost should be higher than the nesting boxes.

I used 4 plastic tubs for nesting boxes. Just hope they're not to high. We'll see, but if they turn out to be I'll lower them.

I built perches, but had to remove the boxes for now, the girls were sleeping in them.Oh yes, as you can guess I had to get more chicks. My reasoning, 1 of the EE turned out to be a roo. My wife was gonna kill me. Anyway 4 Buff Orpingtons & & 1 more Black Sex Link. Now we have 1 roo and 14 pullets I think haha.I had to try and block the section off with netting because the older birds insist on sitting on top of the chicks. Too much poop falling in on the young ones.


Replaced the front windows using poultry wire and some old screening.
Fancy artwork from my daughter...

Finished the crazy color scheme. At least it's eye catching and I think I'm done for now, haha.

I let them out of their pen every morning for an hour or two just to explore...
Well thanks again to everyone for the great ideas and this Great site. Now thanks to you, I've become addicted to my Chickens...
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Gorgeous! I would love to have a coop I could walk into, so convenient! Thanks for sharing the pictures. What do you mean you let them " out of the pen every morning for an hour or two"? How do you get them back in? My only return at sundown.

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