The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

What a shame ! She was a lovely girl.

sorry to here about your pullet it always seems to be the best or our favorite.

So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl!

Wow, she was beautiful, I'm sorry..


Thanks everyone...I have lost several chickens for lots of different reasons since I have had chickens but I had never lost one to a predator is the worst feeling to know that if I had only been outside at that time I could have saved her...we had been outside about an hour before she was taken...I thought they would have been ok, it was so hot I figured every thing (foxes coyotes etc.) was in the shade trying to stay cool...but everything has got to eat i guess I just wish they would go for something else rather than my chickens...we live on a mountain side full of wooded areas so I know there is something else out there for them to eat...I guess chickens are just an easy target. I just really hope what ever got her and this may sound mean or cruel but I really hope what ever got her ate her and did not just kill her because she was an easy target.
This is the picture that won me over. This is NOT my bird, nor my Pic. It was posted at the beginning of this thread by Bama and is what lead my to pursue English birds. In my opinion, THIS is what is so good about English Orps. Now if I could ever be so lucky to get one of my blues this round...I would be one happy lady..

This is the sort of SOP Buff Orp I'm getting from using English cock birds.She fits both standards quite well.She now belongs to a friend ofmine

Here is her English sire, Max, full brother to Monty. He is about 10 months old here.

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So sorry to hear about your pullet, Lots of Cluckin

So Sorry Lots of Cluckin, I hope you catch the predator!
Thank you guys...I will definitely be outside with them more for the next few days even as hot as it is...I have to protect my babies...I'll just pull me up a chair under the shade trees cause I know it will be back he found out how easy it was to get a chicken.
Quote: yeah I will be doing that next year ...since this is my first year raising Orps I only had 2 hens and a rooster to hatch out of so I had to buy chicks...but next year if every thing goes as planned I will have so many chicks I wont know what to do with them all

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