The Integration


Dec 13, 2018
Port of Los Angeles, CA
Hey, Henny Penny, Look those bearded ladies are headed towards our coop. Watch and learn, said Lucky Clucky.
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Hi friends! We are the party girls. I'm Fiesta and this here is my sister Confetti, so nice to meet you finally. Fiesta gleeful sang.

Yeah, well you are in my space says Lucky Clucky. I'm the boss - you hear? She was using her "TONE" to get her point across.

A little nervously, Henny Penny, her BFF and 2nd in command asks: Is this when I chase them?
Lucky Clucky who just does a low growl and says
It sure is. if you want to keep your place as number 2 in command you better do something, Henny Penny.

Lucky Clucky starts to stare down the 2 overdressed hens who are wearing some really show offy footwear.

Hey Fiesta, are you sure these two are ok? asks Confetti. I'm gonna avoid eye contact, just in case.
SURE it's fine says Fiesta, I'll protect you. She shakes her head and twitches her tail and poofs out her beautiful beard and moustache and poses just in case there are paparazzi around.

Just then... Henny Penny makes a run for Confetti, dodges around Fiesta who in turn runs past Lucky Clucky and hops into the OG coop.

OH NO, That's an error says the human (AKA the paparazzi). You might want to rethink that move Fiesta!

Yeah you can't tell me where to go, says Fiesta to the human.

FIESTA! Where are you says Confetti who flies over the the top of Lucky Clucky, who is still standing in the same spot, as Henny Penny rushes her and attempts a peck. Confetti joins Fiesta in the OG coop.

Hey this place is pretty nice... did you feel that sand box for dirt baths? and they have grass in here says Fiesta...
AND GRUBS says Confetti.

Without even asking permission from Lucky Clucky, Henny Penny rushes in the coop and says OUT! You over dressed party girls! THOSE ARE OUR GRUBS.

Oh Cluck! says Fiesta. We better go. NOW!

As Henny Penny advances on them, they take advantage of their youth and their unclipped wings to go over the top of her and land midramp right in front of Lucky Clucky, who appears much larger than her 1.8 lbs.

NOW!! Says Fiesta - which to the human sounded like WHAAAAT? and together Confetti and Fiesta flew to their perch. Confetti naturally found her spot right behind Fiesta. Both stared down to make sure the coast was clear.

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How'd they do that? Henny Penny asked Lucky Clucky.

Oh it's an old trick called flying. I used to do it all the time before I moved in here. I flew much higher though. It's a special skill. Lucky Clucky replied. Lets not worry about them and eat our grubs before they come back.

Then there was peace in the kingdom. At least for now.

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