The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

I was hoping my 7 month old drake would get the hormones to kick in so he will be The Man to his women. His women are 1 1/2 year old Cayugas and Black Swedish ducks whose drake was killed a few weeks ago. The Cayuga is the QUEEN and is bullying him so I am having to keep them separate during the night which is a great hassle. I thought if he would try to start mating them he could get control of them.

12/21/13 They've been together for 2 weeks in small quarters at night. He was seen mating one of the Black Swedish this morning.
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Well I'm not sure about the control part, but every flock will have its "boss". The top duck, the leader. And some won't necessarily get along. Usually tho those frictions will disappear after a few weeks, at least in my experience. The social dynamic just has to be. They work it out. Removing the one actually might be prolonging those two from establishing their dynamic. I can't see what you are seeing, so you will need to be the one to make that decision. What I'm saying is that some fighting in the beginning can be normal. And sometimes the more assertive girls will go after the drakes for attention.

I saw in your signature that you are in IL, right? Well I am in Mi, not terribly far, and so I'm assuming that your weather is similar to mine. Like I said before, mating is pretty much over here, I don't think I'll be seeing much of that until Spring (thankfully)!
Well I'm not sure about the control part, but every flock will have its "boss". The top duck, the leader. And some won't necessarily get along. Usually tho those frictions will disappear after a few weeks, at least in my experience. The social dynamic just has to be. They work it out. Removing the one actually might be prolonging those two from establishing their dynamic. I can't see what you are seeing, so you will need to be the one to make that decision. What I'm saying is that some fighting in the beginning can be normal. And sometimes the more assertive girls will go after the drakes for attention.

I saw in your signature that you are in IL, right? Well I am in Mi, not terribly far, and so I'm assuming that your weather is similar to mine. Like I said before, mating is pretty much over here, I don't think I'll be seeing much of that until Spring (thankfully)!

Yes, we've had some 18 degree weather already so the struggles with keeping animals has begun. The ducks seem pretty good during the day but when they're in their quarters for night, the Cayuga puts her head down like a bull and charges him. He doesn't have much room to get out of the way like he does during the day out in the yard (she charges him there too). I'm afraid if he continues to be bullied by the gals (Cayuga mostly) he'll never man up.
What is the size of your night pen Betsy? My ducks behave the same way when they are in too small of an area. Might be wise to add another dog house. That's what I did!
What is the size of your night pen Betsy? My ducks behave the same way when they are in too small of an area. Might be wise to add another dog house. That's what I did!

The chicken coop area I want the four ducks to be in at night is 4'x10'. Right now just Disco and one Swedish is in it at night and sharing their yard. The other female Swedish and Cayuga are in another fenced in area at the other end of the yard. Their duck house is just for night and it is just 3'x4'. The ducks were fine in that when it was 4 ducks there (the male having been killed a few weeks back). That area doesn't have electricity to keep their water from freezing.

Update: 01/10/14 Disco and his three gals are getting along fine now. Can't wait for spring so I can get them out of the chicken coop and back into their house.
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Hello everyone, I hatched Khaki Campbells , they were born 11/11/2013. Could you help me find out if they are ducks or drakes. Thank...


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