The Lion King Four RPG: Scar's Return

Name: Kovu
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years??
Pride: Simba's
Rank: Pridelander
Mate(optional): Kiara?
History: He was born into the OutLands by Zira, but his true father wasn't Scar; it was another lion that Zira bred with to get the heir Scar wanted. He met Kiara, fell in love with her, and ran away to join Simba's Pride.
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Name: Kovu
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years??
Pride: Simba's
Rank: Pridelander
Mate(optional): Kiara?
History: Sorry... I've never watched #2.
(Don't really know....)
Picture or Description:

Accepted. History: He was born into the OutLands by Zira, but his true father wasn't Scar; it was another lion that Zira bred with to get the heir Scar wanted. He met Kiara, fell in love with her, and ran away to join Simba's Pride.
Name: Leah
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Pride: Pridelander
Rank: pridelander
Mate(optional): none (I thought there was only one male...)
Cubs(optional): none
Personality: bubbly, happy, a cub at heart. She will go above and beyond to please others, and has nearly killed herself more than once in the process
History: TBR
Picture or Description:
Name: Leah
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Pride: Pridelander
Rank: pridelander
Mate(optional): none (I thought there was only one male...)
Cubs(optional): none
Personality: bubbly, happy, a cub at heart. She will go above and beyond to please others, and has nearly killed herself more than once in the process
History: TBR
Picture or Description:
(I forgot about that... okay, we can have males, too! :) She's accepted! In real life, there's only one male and all the lionesses, but, yeah, that clearly won't work for this RP...)
Name: kopa
Gender: male
Age: 2
Pride: simbas
Rank: pride mate
Personality: playfull and frendly and caring
Picture or Description:
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