The Middle Tennessee Thread

My pigs would do it but it would take more then a day. That is one of the good things about the mini's they just don't root as much as other pigs! I still have 2 left from this current litter 1 boy and 1 girl.

The pink one has a deposit and is going to KY. to live.

Super cute!
Welcome to all the new ppl - there sure are a lot of us chicken folks around here :)

My "crazy broody pullet " from this spring has done it again. She has a huge pile of everyone's eggs (I gave up fighting her as I was just too busy for a few wks)
& yesterday I saw 2 dry fluffy chicks under her wing (it rained _all_ night & all day but they looked fine) I'm hoping a few more hatch, I know she took eggs over a long period of time, so in another day I'll have to steal the unhatched to put in the bator so she can care for the already hatched. I'll try to get a picture soon.

On the down side, after years of no issues w/ the local hawks, a coopers or harrisson hawk grabbed a 2wks old from the yard, right out of the flock w/ the dog 8 ft away & so fast it was hard to see. (Harrisons can dive at 120mph!) so Broody#2 is down to 4 of 6 now. I'm keeping my other young birds cooped now, the hawk is not big enough to get a grown one...

I had 3 eggs for breakfast (along w/ goats milk from my 1st time milking my new goat last night when we pulled her buckling to another pen at long last).

Hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather!
I'm so nervous. I hate this part. I know the flock has a pecking order but I hate seeing the new littles being put in their place. I've got 2 standard orpington cockerels and one standard pullet finally ready, I think, to be in with the older juveniles. There are 2 older juvenile cockerels, 2 older standard pullets, and 2 older bantam pullets. The younger ones have been in the same coop in a dog crate for almost 3 weeks and are about the same size as the older bantams. They should be ready, right?

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