The Middle Tennessee Thread

Sounds like you have allot of fun stuff going on!What type of pullets did u say u had...I'm not up on the abbreviated lingo haha
I didn't LOL. I don't remember. I am going to put ads on CL tomorrow while I am at the hospital just to kill time. EE, SBEL and Marans I am sure but that is all I can think of off the top of my head.
I didn't LOL.  I don't remember.  I am going to put ads on CL tomorrow while I am at the hospital just to kill time.  EE, SBEL and Marans I am sure but that is all I can think of off the top of my head.
Hehe there you go with abbreviations again. Good luck at the hospital.if u have time link me to your CL...Craig's List?? Add when you get it u ever sell chicks?
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I'm back! I have been gone for a while. We have had tragedy after tragedy here. Lost 10 chickens to some diseaseor something that we couldn't figure out. But when we had the flock tested during and after nothing came out positive. I keep wintering if they got into some plantbor something that is poisonous. Then our dog Lucy passed away a few days ago. But we are coming back from everything now. Thank god.
It is also the time of year when they slow down. I have 14 in one pen and if I am lucky I get 2-3 eggs. They will start molting soon too. How old are they?

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