The Middle Tennessee Thread

Thanks, everyone! RedRidge, that is a great little coop and might fit the bill, if we can find time between now and then to build it. I think our next coop is going to be a Garden Coop with a few modifications.

I think the ready-made coops are a case of "good, cheap, fast - pick two."

I have eggs due to hatch late, late Friday night/Saturday morning. I went to lock em down last night (yeah, I know....a LITTLE bit late, but not much). I go in the basement bathroom and bend over to drop some supplies----as my ear passes by the incubator, I hear "cheep, cheep......cheep!"

....."Oh, crap!!!"

I look in and see one zipped halfway around, plus another one pipped! Did I mention I was doing a "dry" hatch? DOUBLE CRAP,!! With our dry weather, plus fan, plus a heater in the room, I dare guess the humidity was down around 10% (my sensor doesn't read below 20%). I had added a little water on Saturday when I candled, but let it run dry until lockdown. I went ahead and unplugged the turned and opened it up (remember there's no humidity inside to worry about escaping). The zipper was completely dry, but cheeping. I was 100% sure he would die if I did not assist, so I moistened him with warm water, let that soak for a minute and then opened him up. He seems to be doing fine. I put a few drops of water in the "pipper" and hoped for the best. He finished zipping overnight and is about halfway out now. I managed to get the humidity up pretty quick (to 80%, a little high but it has since fallen to the mid-70's). This morning, I had another one that had busted out, plus another zipper.

This is just my 2nd hatch....the first was disastrous! I am learning a lot!

Here is a pic from this morning. Left is the pippper from last night, middle is one that busted out overnight, and to the right (on the floor) is the one I assisted last night.

Anne, your Buffs are "vigorous" and impatient! :barnie


I have eggs due to hatch late, late Friday night/Saturday morning. I went to lock em down last night (yeah, I know....a LITTLE bit late, but not much). I go in the basement bathroom and bend over to drop some supplies----as my ear passes by the incubator, I hear "cheep, cheep......cheep!"

....."Oh, crap!!!"

I look in and see one zipped halfway around, plus another one pipped! Did I mention I was doing a "dry" hatch? DOUBLE CRAP,!! With our dry weather, plus fan, plus a heater in the room, I dare guess the humidity was down around 10% (my sensor doesn't read below 20%). I had added a little water on Saturday when I candled, but let it run dry until lockdown. I went ahead and unplugged the turned and opened it up (remember there's no humidity inside to worry about escaping). The zipper was completely dry, but cheeping. I was 100% sure he would die if I did not assist, so I moistened him with warm water, let that soak for a minute and then opened him up. He seems to be doing fine. I put a few drops of water in the "pipper" and hoped for the best. He finished zipping overnight and is about halfway out now. I managed to get the humidity up pretty quick (to 80%, a little high but it has since fallen to the mid-70's). This morning, I had another one that had busted out, plus another zipper.

This is just my 2nd hatch....the first was disastrous! I am learning a lot!

Here is a pic from this morning. Left is the pippper from last night, middle is one that busted out overnight, and to the right (on the floor) is the one I assisted last night.

Anne, your Buffs are "vigorous" and impatient!

GREAT JOB!! & nice chick pic. too :)
Anyone have a good source for a temporary coop or chicken tractor? We are moving, and our coop is staying, so we need some quick housing for our 4 hens.
Sam's Club in Murfreesboro had these last week for about $350. I love these! Wish I had an extra $350 laying around!
WAY too pricey though. Our chicken tractors costs us less than $100, and we spent less than $200 on our breeding pens.

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