The Middle Tennessee Thread

Man, you have had a time of it. Yell at me when you get the bator going again and we can try again. I'm really impressed that you saved those five. They are adorable. Fingers crossed for lots of pullets!

I gambled back in January (right before I lost my job!) and had chicks shipped and eggs ordered. The chicks arrived in January and are doing great, except that they are now six weeks old and STILL in my dining room. I am so ready for it to warm up and dry out a smidge so they can move to their outside pen! The eggs, of course, showed up last week in the midst of the uber cold. They are in the incubator right now. Hopefully they didn't all freeze to death in transit. The shipper put in 72 hour heat packs and at least my post office kept them in the front office so they were warmer. Arg!

And our winter was going so well too. So nice and mild and dry. Sigh. When does spring get here?

We were starting to let our guard down this winter LOL.

How is your job search going? Any luck?
The jobs I want don't advertise until march. I've been picking up freelance work so far. Hoping to scrape by until one of the really good positions opens up. It's a bit nerve-wracking.
Man, you have had a time of it. Yell at me when you get the bator going again and we can try again. I'm really impressed that you saved those five. They are adorable. Fingers crossed for lots of pullets!

I gambled back in January (right before I lost my job!) and had chicks shipped and eggs ordered. The chicks arrived in January and are doing great, except that they are now six weeks old and STILL in my dining room. I am so ready for it to warm up and dry out a smidge so they can move to their outside pen! The eggs, of course, showed up last week in the midst of the uber cold. They are in the incubator right now. Hopefully they didn't all freeze to death in transit. The shipper put in 72 hour heat packs and at least my post office kept them in the front office so they were warmer. Arg!

And our winter was going so well too. So nice and mild and dry. Sigh. When does spring get here?
I made a mood changing discovery today. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME starts MARCH 8

That is always the start of better times. I think I might be able to make it till then.
Wow, reading back on the stories of power outages, I did not know you all got so much ice! That sucks to be without power so long! We lost power here Sat. morn. but only for 2 hours. I miss my generator we left when we moved!! We are on a well here and need electric for water too....I've been putting off firing up the bator, b/c I'm just not getting that many eggs from my Marans yet, and those are the ones that I really want to hatch. Donna, what is your opinion on when egg laying will peak for the Marans? I don't add any light, maybe I need to. And not wanting to run into power outages with eggs/babies either, I may wait another month or 2 if it means getting more Marans to hatch.
So our top-of-the-pecking-order pullet decided to go broody on us yesterday. We have 5 laying boxes, but the pullets all lay in only one box. This morning another girl and the broody were in the same box. Obviously the other girls want to lay, but the broody is content on staying in the box.

I was reading a few methods to break the broodiness. We have no roosters, so none of the eggs are fertile.

Any tips?

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