The Montana Egg Cabin


12 Years
Feb 2, 2007
Western Montana
Our coop is now completed. This post has all the photos, in order of most recent to least recent, that I think are worth sharing... that means it has a lot of photos!

Brief synopsis; 7 standard hens, 4'x4' floor plan henhouse (which is a bit small but probably good for the cold Montana winters), 20'x10' fenced in run, spent about $200, of which at least half the cost was just the darned fence, the Montana Egg Cabin was built with about 90% recycled or reclaimed materials by two home-improvement experienced 20somethings.

View from the side, with anti-hawk netting all set up

Excellent view of entrance and anti-hawk netting

Front view from inside the run (this one is before we put up the netting). Note that the whole, entire, front of the coop can be removed by unscrewing 8 wingnuts that hold the front wall in place. You can see each pair of wingnuts on the edges of each wall if you squint really hard.

Detail of the chicken pophole when closed snug.

Detail of egg-door (on the right, outside the pen to keep shoes clean)

When door opens, easy access to nestboxes.

Back of the coop, before the maintenance door is opened.

Back of the coop "maintenance door" swings open to allow poo and shavings to be raked out.

Chicken's eye view from in the coop- you can see the elevated nest boxes to the left -upper edge of the photo

Good shot of the attached chicken-port with brick patio and how the chicken-port shades the West wall in the afternoon to keep the coop cool.

Roof-line vents open in summer to allow cross ventilation

And close at night or in winter to keep warmth inside the henhouse.

The coop, pre-fence and pre-chicken-port. Note the exposed brick footing to keep the shavings dry during our wet springs.

Our Americauna when she was a bitty little thing, sitting on the 2x4 that leads into the nestboxes. This photo is pre-walls on the coop.

First wall going up- this photo is taken from inside the veggie garden. You can see the 2x4 on the back wall that supports the rear maintenance door in this photo.

Image of coop under construction- shows the brick footing and structure in general pretty well.

Side view of skeletal coop with roof.

Front view of coop after the roof and nest boxes were first put into place.

The very basic frame, from in the veggie garden.

Me, for scale, on the first day of coop building (I am 5'7")

Who needs walls?

Before the bricks, there was mud.

Before the mud, there were weeds and an unkempt wildflower garden.

Before the coop, there were chicks in a bin in the bathroom.

That is all. I hope you enjoyed it!

looks great! and cozy for your winters..
i love montana...if i could ever talk my hubby into those winters, i'd love to live up there..but he's not really into snow..LOL

great coop though! your chicks will be very happy..
Great coop and run, and wonderful post! It's so helpful to see the beginning to end progress that folks make - it helps to put it all together for those of us still trying to figure things out.

Great job!

Thanks for the pic's!!! You did a great job and perfect for what you needed in all aspects!!! I wish I would have showed the hubby your pic's for "access ideas" like you have...I'll post pic's at the end of the week and maybe you all can give me some "inside ideas" -the outside is done, I need to put in about 4 nesting boxes, roosts & feeders and would like to utilize the least amount of room ---I would love to get all of your ideas and suggestions....straight from the "pro's"
I love your coop design! It has so many great features. Is that the curious Mrs. Tweedy peaking out from inside your coop? I just love that name!
That is Mrs. Tweedy! Her Americana friend is named Pot Pie. They are both named from the movie "Chicken Run," where the evil protagonist is named Mrs. Tweedy and she wants to turn all the chickens in the farm into pot pies. What is funny is that now that they are grown, Mrs. Tweedy has turned out to be a rather aggressive and greedy hen and Pot Pie has turned out to be the nicest, calmest, sweetest bird. Coincidence? Perhaps I doomed them from the start.

Thanks for the compliments on the coop!


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