The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

My chicks are 4 weeks old now, and they are growing like crazy. These pictures were taken 3 days ago, and they already have a ton more feathers.
The first two are boys. The other two I'm pretty sure are girls.


When should I put Mumble and Hubble back in with the flock? They are confirmed chick killers but Hubble is now 5 weeks old. I think Mumble is starting to wean him off so I’m not sure if she’d protect him if they decided to turn on him. This is a recent development because I’ve kept broodies in with the flock in the past and they were fine until recently. I guess the broody hens this time around weren’t fighters/high enough in the pecking order to protect their chicks like they should and now my other chickens discovered it’s “fun”.

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