The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

So I'm thinking of getting leghorns in the next few years. I've had white leghorns in the past, so I'd like something a little more extra than a white. The only available here seem to be the white leghorn (which I can find anywhere), and then the Leghorn Italianer. I have no idea what the latter is. Does it just indicate fancier colors?
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So I'm thinking of getting leghorns in the next few years. I've had white leghorns in the past, so I'd like something a little more extra than a white. The only available here seem to be the white leghorn (which) I can find anywhere, and then the Leghorn Italianer. I have no idea what the latter is. Does it just indicate fancier colors?
I think McMurray has a few different kinds if you want to start off cheap & hatchery quality.
I think McMurray has a few different kinds if you want to start off cheap & hatchery quality.

Oh I guess I should have clarified my location before asking, sorry. I live in Greece, so there are only two main hatcheries here, one of which carries the bird in question, the leghorn Italianer
Since we have you here, any good chicken genetics books you'd recommend?
I really liked Sigrid Van Doort’s Chicken Color Genetics, but it is expensive.
I learned most of what I know online from kippenjungle and edelras, but sadly edelras no longer exists.
Is anyone here a fan of sighthounds :oops: ? I love them, maybe a little too much for a chicken enthusiast
They are some of the coolest looking dogs. That said, I am not really a dog person. Some day, I might own Great Pyrnees, otherwise I never would own a dog unless I had a husband who really wanted one.
So I'm thinking of getting leghorns in the next few years. I've had white leghorns in the past, so I'd like something a little more extra than a white. The only available here seem to be the white leghorn (which I can find anywhere), and then the Leghorn Italianer. I have no idea what the latter is. Does it just indicate fancier colors?
I think they are just two names for the same thing. Italiener is German I believe. And Livorno is the Italian name for them. I think.

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