The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

I was gonna set eggs yesterday but the outlet was acting stupid.
Took the cover off and went to take a look and someone before me has one of wires so short and no more slack that it was hanging on for dear life. Wasn't even wrapped around the screw at all.
Screw that, we're talking about egg safety. Moved the incubator to the dining room and got eggs in it today.
Putting that thing back together was like herding cats.
lonesome GIF
I took the turner out and removed the motor. I could not really find a catch in the mechanism until I rotated way too far. I rubbed some beeswax on all the rotating points of contact. I put it back together (went cat herding) and put it on the table and plugged it up. I’m watching to see where it is every hour at least until I go to bed. I don’t know how well the beeswax will work, but I know that La-Z-Boy uses beeswax on all of its recliners. Yes, I built chairs for a whopping 10 months in another life.

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