The Moonshiner's Leghorns

Hatch day today. I set two batches this week. This second one has a few exchequer eggs but its a ton of browns and silver ducklings. I'm breaking those groups up to give their pens up to grow outs.
I wanted to get a a decent number of each for next spring and I might of got lucky. I peeked in the hatchers earlier and there were so many chicks I had to shut quickly before I had escaped chicks everywhere.
There has to be at least 50 chicks between the two.
Should have pics in the morning but gonna be pretty dull on colors.
@The Moonshiner

Need to know about the last pic I posted and your thoughts.


Is this accurate? Mottled Leghorn=Ancona?
@The Moonshiner

Need to know about the last pic I posted and your thoughts.


Is this accurate? Mottled Leghorn=Ancona?
View attachment 2270491
I mean, technically if a Leghorn is mottled it’s an Ancona. Never a Leghorn. Anconas and Leghorns are the exact same breed in shape and the mottling is literally the only thing keeping them separate is the mottling.

Once upon a time, Anconas were known as mottled Leghorns. And that’s probably how it should have been, considering they have the same type and therefore are the same breed.
But that ain’t happening, because people are too stuck in their ways, and it would frankly be confusing. I think some of the popularity of the Ancona is the distinctiveness of the breed, and because their personality and production qualities are different.
They tend to be less flighty and broodier than the Leghorns.
Making them Leghorns would probably dissuade people from breeding them.
We have a farm swap at our local TSC. Last Saturday I took 20 SC White Leghorns and sold them. I usually advertise on our local Craigslist what I'm taking to the swap. Others do too. Quite a lot of people come to buy. Probably this month I have sold around 50 males. It does help with the feed costs and I don't have to feed them anymore. Not much meat on a Leghorn.
Yes I saw that ad somewhere else the closest place that has Farm Swaps and Small Animal Auctions is about 3 hours away from where I'm at.
I live the the Redlands,FL.

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