The Moonshiner's Leghorns

Won't be NPIP /at least/ until I move, and even then might not ever be depending on how it looks then, so it will at least be like 5 or 6 years unless y'all wanna meet up near my home for them 😆
I mean, I'm already planing a trip to the UK for chickens. Couldn't hurt to hit up Montana too lol.

It's best to work on both at the same time.
I use the best birds I have with the color pattern genes I need.
If you focus on just the trait you want and not type then when you get the trait locked in but the type is bad you'll have to go back to a bird with type and that sets you back on the trait.
It's a balancing act.
You can't let go of one for the other unless you're prepared to take a step backwards.
Sometimes you just have to though.
I've scrapped whole projects because the type wasn't there or there were too many faults.
The MF is a good example. I had MF patterned birds but they were to much of a mess to fix.
I used the best one I had and bred it to my best buff rooster. Now I'm fighting to get all the needed genes back in one bird.
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Before I stumbled across this thread, I thought there were only white and brown leghorns
I stumbled across some online pictures of leghorns OTHER THAN brown and white. After an intense search I realized they were all from overseas. Yes we have Blacks,Exchequers,and Buffs here as well. But the Duckwings,Blue, Creles,and others are unavailable.
I found this thread and have been following it ever since.
I stumbled across some online pictures of leghorns OTHER THAN brown and white. After an intense search I realized they were all from overseas. Yes we have Blacks,Exchequers,and Buffs here as well. But the Duckwings,Blue, Creles,and others are unavailable.
I found this thread and have been following it ever since.
We got gold duckwings. :lol:
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