-The Mythics RP-

(Sorry for being slow, Iā€™ve been very busy and havenā€™t had a chance to write šŸ˜•
Do you think we should time-skip to the evening? Mostly since thereā€™s not much for our characters to do until then.)
(Sure. We can pretend Ember finished showing the new recruits the ship and figured out cabins, Vhanya accepted the werewolf character, the stuff in the powder room is settled and counted, perhaps the supplies have arrived and been taken care of, and we'll introduce the Bailey's crew. From there, maybe set sail? All other details we can sort out when it comes time to type out everyone's parts.)
guys can someone come get lupin before she dies of boredom?
Ember took a moment to refocus herself, slowly drawing a hand through the strands of black and auburn hair framing and curling over her face. She slowly lifted her gaze back to the captain, shoving the unruly thoughts to the corners of her mind to be sorted later.
"And you said they were arriving at Sunset," she said somewhat quietly, still shaking the tension of the incident from her train of thought.
"I'll make sure to take record of the crew when they arrive. Speaking of, the Werewolf is still waiting to be summoned."
Ember dropped her arm back to her side, slowly glancing down to the log book resting on the furnished deck boards. She had barely noticed herself drop it when the Harpy had grabbed hold of her.
She also wanted to wait until the attention was a bit more drawn away from her before she stooped to pick it up.

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
(Sorry it took so long ppl. It's been a long weekend)
guys can someone come get lupin before she dies of boredom?
View attachment 3755299
@RDchicken99 maybe?
Lupin pulled a hunting knife from its sheath and began scraping the gunk from under her fingernails. She'd been sitting in the cabin for a long time, maybe a few hours? She had no sense of time (i don't either), but when you couldn't see the sun from your window because it was too high in the sky, some time had passed.
In irritation, she threw her knife at the wall. It spun in the air and clunked, hilt-first, against the wood. Lupin scowled. Pirates made it look so easy. Wait, technically I'm going to be a pirate if the captain of this ship says I'm good enough. Maybe I could try again.
She picked up the knife and tossed it again, and this time it smacked flat-side against the wall. Third try, and the knife hit hilt first again.
The fourth time, Lupin tried holding it by the blade. She knew some knives had a weighted blade, while others had a weighted hilt. Maybe it would change the way it hit the target.
She flung the knife, which spiraled nicely and smacked point-first into the wall. The moment would have been far more momentous if the knife had not fallen straight to the floor and sat there obnoxiously, radiating smugness.
She swore loudly, then covered her mouth in the hope that no one was sitting behind the door. Picking up the knife, she stuck it grumpily back in the sheath -- knife throwing could wait. Maybe for forever, honestly.
Lupin turned to the wall and inspected it for dents. Not one. Not even a nick.
She scowled and turned to the window.

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