The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Another thing you need to consider with the poo... do you use any wormers or medications? Whatever they have taken will also contaminate the soil. (Same goes for whatever your chickens are given.)
I definitely would NOT put cat or dog feces in the chicken run. Both cats and dogs can carry tape worms as well as round worms. There are also other diseases which may or may not be animal specific, Toxoplasmosis comes to mind. That's the very reason we're told not to put cat and dog poo in our compost. Also, cat litter would be even more detrimental. If it's the clumping stuff, imagine what it would do inside the chicken when she swallows it... and she will.... she'll think it's some new fangled grit or other chickie treat, well flavored, at that. And if it's the clay based litter, it could also cause a blockage, not to mention any toxins that would be in the clay. It's a bit of a different matter when the chickens are out to free range, and run across Fido's poo, but I wouldn't encourage it, nor would I allow any access to cat litter.
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Sad day in our house today. Our beloved black poodle, Jake, passed away following minor surgery two days ago. Lots of tears. He was 12 and a half and before the surgery was still full of piss and vinegar. RIP old buddy.





Thanks all...He owned our hearts. It was just not expected. We heard him coughing the night we brought him home. Took him back in the next morning and he seemed better...they said his lungs sounded good. My wife slept on the floor next to him and had her alarm set to give him a pain pill at 8:00 am but he was gone when she woke. He was supposed to go in today to get the wrap changed on his foot....not to get cremated.
a) thanks for the replies. No dog or cat poo in the run. It was just a thought.

b) sorry for the loss of Jake. He was very good looking. I like the big poodles. They have such personality.

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