The neighborhood is silent...

The hen will come back with babies around 3 weeks after her disappearance, maybe a couple of days later
Hello Chicken-friends,

I have a long awaited update for you. My brown hen came back...and she laid 10 eggs and 8 hatched! I've been so happy watching them and trying to do right by them, but now she has lost 2 baby chicks in as many days and now I am keeping them locked inside the coop until about 4pm.

Two people that I know who have had previous experience with chickens have advised me to do this. They think it might be a neighborhood cat (probably feral) that might have gotten the chicks. I'm sure this is probably the best thing to do, but it is so hard knowing that Mama-chicken is probably very upset with me right now. (it is day 2 of keeping them inside).

I'd love to hear your comments and feedback. Thank you all so very much.


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