They're 9 weeks old now and I'm trying to rehome these two boys before I get too attached to them. Just look at that gorgeous Phoebe! She must belong to Iris and Gunnar. The buff feather leakage would throw back to Magnus as her grandsire (Iris's sire). Otherwise, that coloring makes zero sense on a splash bird.
They are turning 12 weeks old this week. Dove is adorable, a mini-me Cricket, Wren and Phoebe are calming down and the boy with the more compact comb is also less skittish. The boy with the largest comb is a little hard case. Hates to be picked up, bites less now, but he's not happy to be handled yet. Thought you'd like to see them. They had a thing with the cat a couple of days ago. Poor blind kitty can barely see them, but they don't know that.
The first insane cackle you hear is crazy Iris screaming out of the gate.
By the way,. suddenly Iris has decided that being broody isn't getting her anywhere and she's begun following me around begging for goodies, very unlike her. Cricket who is broody again, still follows me around asking to be picked up. She is 100% consistent.
No one wants these boys and now that they'll be 13 weeks old soon, I guess I need to name them. Any Viking name suggestions? Gotta be a tough guy name, though these roosters are the sweetest things ever. Magnus and Forrest ask to be picked up and cuddled when they aren't on duty outside. Gunnar and Bodie like it but don't beg for it. The young guys aren't like that, but broody-raised chicks seem to be more standoffish than others, at least for awhile after mama rejects them.
Well, Cheryl, I already chose two names that are on your list, don't get BYC notifications no matter what I do for some reason. The biggest boy is Axel and the shorter one with the smaller comb is Dane. I guess I had to call them something since they don't seem to be leaving here anytime soon.

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