The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Lord it was cold at the ball game. The wind of Hades always blows in Galloway, NJ. All was good till the top of the eighth. Boys were ahead 7/6. An error allowed 3 runs to score, and it was all down hill from there on. We left top of the ninth when it was 13/7. Not sure what the final score was. My toes are just now starting to thaw.

Sorry about the loss and the bad weather Sour.
I must have rested to well yesterday as I didn't sleep much during the night. About 3 1/2 hours.

So Good Morning everyone. l hope all are getting a good night's sleep.

Good morning, has your rainy weather cleared out?

Good morning all.

Good morning DMC, hope school goes well today!

Good morning everyone 🙂

Good morning DMC 🙂

Good morning Janie 🙂

Good morning Kelsey 🙂

Good morning Sue, hope you and Bob have a good day!
Its going well, thank you 😊 I finished the barn yesterday, so its all ready to get our stuff out and be empty and clean for the new people. I was so tired afterwards that I slept great

You've been working hard Sue...I hope your new place is move in ready and once you're there, you can just relax & enjoy.

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