The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

@sourland , would you mind if I asked admin why a search shows +58k in 62 threads, but your profile only shows +55k?


No problem. Tell me their response - by PM if embarrassing. I'm a sensitive sort who is easily embarrassed.
Good morning all!

Beautiful morning here, hope you all are having the same.

I'm getting a new employee today, a 16 yr old and this is her first job. Do you guys remember your first jobs? Mine was working at a family fast food place sort of along the lines of an A&W where people could come in and sit down to eat or sit in their cars and use a "phone" to order. It was hard work and took a lot of getting used to but fun too. I hope it works out with this new kid the same as it did for me...learn a lot of new things plus have some fun.

I'll be awol tomorrow. Some cousins I haven't seen for several years are coming to Cheyenne where my brother lives and I'm driving over to spend the day with them. YAY, my first day off since I got here about 3 weeks ago. Go ahead, ask me if I'm looking forward to that!

Have a great day everyone (I'd tell you all to behave but where's the fun in that?)!
Hi Debby - my first job was dishwashing at a grim pseudo Italian restaurant! Hope you have a great day with your relatives and for sure, you deserve a day off!
Hi Debby - my first job was dishwashing at a grim pseudo Italian restaurant! Hope you have a great day with your relatives and for sure, you deserve a day off!

Your first job would have surely been an incentive to get an education to do better! I hope you got to at least get a good meal there once in a while.
Well , I did it whilst studying so it was not too bad, and yeah - a pizza every shift was ok ! Actually, a pizza would be nice right now :drool
I haven't gotten around the description,  '[COLOR=333333]grim pseudo Italian'[/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]I am envisioning Death with a fake bushy moustache.[/COLOR]

Not far off the mark Eggsy - the owner was Iranian n he had a real bushy caterpillar on his lip! :)

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