The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

For anyone that can recall way back last June...the trial for the 2 numbskulls that tried to rob the golf course pro shop starts Monday. DH has to be the 'star' witness against them. I'm nervous about it all but we'll see what happens.
I hope all goes well...awful that he was put in that situation in the first place
Courtrooms are not the most relaxing of places at all. In the UK not TV films or photos are allowed in any courtroom - one of the reasons being to create such an atmosphere (seems a little perverse to me
). I was a witness in a crime perpetrated against me - the defendant had no legal representation, which was terrible. I never stuck around to know what the outcome was.

I'm sure DH will be fine - telling the truth ain't that difficult
I agree on telling the truth Chris.
Courtrooms are not the most relaxing of places at all. In the UK not TV films or photos are allowed in any courtroom - one of the reasons being to create such an atmosphere (seems a little perverse to me
). I was a witness in a crime perpetrated against me - the defendant had no legal representation, which was terrible. I never stuck around to know what the outcome was.

I'm sure DH will be fine - telling the truth ain't that difficult

I hope all goes well...awful that he was put in that situation in the first place

He won't have any trouble telling the truth but I hate to sit by and watch the defense verbally bait him. Keeping my fingers crossed DH doesn't lose his temper (he does have one when provoked). The DA has been coaching him on what to expect and best way of responding.

Kind of hard to sit there and see those two creeps and their families. Thinking how they shot at my husband and that they'd been in trouble for years without any serious punishment.

Maybe the DA should be coaching me on how to keep my mouth shut, lol.
He won't have any trouble telling the truth but I hate to sit by and watch the defense verbally bait him. Keeping my fingers crossed DH doesn't lose his temper (he does have one when provoked). The DA has been coaching him on what to expect and best way of responding.

Kind of hard to sit there and see those two creeps and their families. Thinking how they shot at my husband and that they'd been in trouble for years without any serious punishment.

Maybe the DA should be coaching me on how to keep my mouth shut, lol.

I agree, its all very unpleasant and particularly when one is the innocent party! Just have a hip flask ready for DH once he's done. I'd say the DA's gonna have to do some pretty intensive coaching with you
I agree, its all very unpleasant and particularly when one is the innocent party! Just have a hip flask ready for DH once he's done. I'd say the DA's gonna have to do some pretty intensive coaching with you

Hip flask! That's the ticket, thanks!

Duck tape for my mouth might not be a bad idea either.
Courtrooms are not the most relaxing of places at all.

I'm sure DH will be fine - telling the truth ain't that difficult

Daddy told me a long time ago, "Boy, you better tell the truth. You're not smart enough to be a good liar." He was right, and I do. (mostly)
Daddy told me a long time ago, "Boy, you better tell the truth. You're not smart enough to be a good liar." He was right, and I do. (mostly)

Sound advice. I simply blush if I lie - I learnt long ago that it was really not an option. Not sure I'd make the best spy in the world
Sound advice. I simply blush if I lie - I learnt long ago that it was really not an option. Not sure I'd make the best spy in the world

I think he must have been correct. I joshingly fib to the Princess just breaking stones - her immediate reply, "You have your lying face on." She also reads my mind - scary and unfair if you ask me.

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