The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Can't wait to see your girls new coop Teila.

N F C - I like your profile pic. It reminds me of what I say to our two if they ask me where I'm going. I tell them I'm going to join the circus because I want a quieter life!

I am currently trying to convince two finches that my shoulder is much better to sit on than my head! They are so cheeky and funny.

I brought in the other Java finch baby this morning. I was changing the other two's bed last night and thinking I never saw much poop in the nestbox - I was quite amazed at how tidy it was (compared to the society finch nest which was filthy). When I checked the baby yesterday it just wasn't looking that great so I just think their poor Mum (who is probably a first time parent) just wasn't keeping up with their demands. It was too late to go and retrieve it last night as it was dark and everyone would've freaked out! I'll have to try feeding it again soon as when I brought it in it only had a little taste despite having an empty crop, and it certainly didn't yell like the other two do. They woke me up just before 5am because they were hungry!

I'll try and get another photo - the bigger two have the very beginnings of tail pin feathers poking through. They are still very naked though. They are hilarious when I try and feed them. They open their huge mouths very wide and bob their heads from side to side like one of those clowns at the fair, all the while yelling and lunging at me to get the first mouthful. I have to hold their heads still so I don't poke them with the eye dropper - which sounds easier than it actually is!

I checked Pinkie's eggs yesterday and all 5 are actually fertile. I knew 3 were for sure. She started sitting as soon as she started laying so they are going to hatch over the course of a week I think. I'm hoping Daffodil is still trying to hatch her eggs by the time the last two hatch as then I can attempt to slip them under her (as she bites me like a little bulldog which I know she will)!

Now to try and put 4 cheeky birds away so I can try and feed my Java baby again...

J, I can just picture the 2 Java finch babies bobbing around. Probably a miracle they get any food in them and not all over them!

WTG on the 5 fertile Pinkie eggs!
Today's interviews are over and went well. We have a mechanic, a groundskeeper and a bartender/pro shop employee hired. YAY!
Today's interviews are over and went well. We have a mechanic, a groundskeeper and a bartender/pro shop employee hired. YAY!

YAY for you for sure! Hopefully they will all be hard workers, just like your long distance supervisor.

Here's my supervisor for today. Our deaf cat, Mistletoe. Technically she stole their hot water bottle I'd put under the sheet I was going to feed them on.

And my three little scraps. I had to wait for the other two to be hungry before the littlest one would eat - their yelling stimulated it to start begging too. And, yes, they often end up with formula in their eye, or under their chin, on top of their head etc. I'm sure we'll all get better at it.

jaeg glad it's you feeding them and not me. My aim is always off. When I try to pour some water from a gallon bottle into a smaller one, My feet & shoes get soaked. Those gallon bottles are getting heavier every day. When I have to put ONE eye drop in each eye, I end up with it running down my cheek, nose, or flooding the eye. I won't get into other mishaps
YAY for you for sure! Hopefully they will all be hard workers, just like your long distance supervisor.

Here's my supervisor for today. Our deaf cat, Mistletoe. Technically she stole their hot water bottle I'd put under the sheet I was going to feed them on.

And my three little scraps. I had to wait for the other two to be hungry before the littlest one would eat - their yelling stimulated it to start begging too. And, yes, they often end up with formula in their eye, or under their chin, on top of their head etc. I'm sure we'll all get better at it.

Mistletoe is gorgeous! She reminds me a lot of a Persian my son had growing up (only his cat was grayer).

Glad to hear the little one is eating!

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